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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Take The Left’s Race Card, And Shove It In Their Faces

Are you tired of hearing about “White Supremacy”? Frankly, I am tired—really tired—of the race card dominating our national and particularly our political discourse. This is beyond childish. To wit, my fellow activists in Los Angeles County for Trump have Jewish, Black, Hispanic, and Asian members. But we still get hammered with “You are all a bunch of white supremacists!” One hateful agitator even claimed that white supremacy is not just about skin color, but ideology! Yes, in their view, men and women of non-European backgrounds can still be white supremacists. Frankly, if I had a black wife, Hispanic children, and Asian parents, they would still call me racist. There’s no opportunity for civil dialogue here. There is no interest in facts or evidence, either.

So, why does this perverse distortion of race in America still dominate the media? Why does the Left and the self-defeating Democratic Party continue to play the race card, despite all the evidence among Republicans that we are the most diverse group of politicos out there? Left-wing activism is all about silencing people. That has been the goal of the Left since Saul Alinsky. They cannot debate, reason, or convince. They have to denounce, race-bait, and con people. That’s all they have.

Great. I’ve outlined the argument, but what’s the solution? How do we “trump” the race card, especially since it’s non-stop on the media?!

So, Step One: don’t stop speaking. 



  1. It all sounds good but it has been my experience that the left uses racism to achieve a goal or ideal. Truth, logic, and accuracy will not deter them from their goal and/or ideal. And if it ain't racism it'll be something else.
    Frankly I have never seen the divide so wide. It use to be that a Republican and a Democrat could sit down and discuss their differences which were usually not about what a goal is but how to achieve that goal. Now clearly the goals are very different. Progressives are clearly about fundamentally changing our government and us to a socialistic society.

  2. I would suggest another part of their anatomy to shove it ;)

  3. Take Away the Reverse Discrimination Card ( affirmative
    action laws ) and YOU WILL REMOVE THE > RACE CARD

    Then the crybabies can't wine Anymore and we will FINALLY
    HAVE REAL > EQUALITY for ALL !!!!!!!!!!

    UNtil then > we have a DIVIDED NATION !!!!!!!!


  5. Vote to REMOVE Affirmative Action Laws !!!! NOW
    While we have Trump in office........Priority 1


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