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Wednesday, August 23, 2017


In the aftermath of the Charlottesville tragedy, the debate over monuments to persons in America’s past has elevated to a point where, too often, folks are afraid to discuss for fear that their words will be misunderstood, misconstrued or deliberately distorted.

There’s a legitimate discussion to be had, in civil tones and terms, over which monuments should stay and where they should best be placed.

But the politicization of the subject has caused serious angst. For example, neo-Nazi racists are frequently referred to as “right wingers.” How is it possible to, with a straight face, describe national socialists bent on genocide as “conservatives”?

The conservative movement has loudly denounced these kooks for decades. Racism has no place in conservative thought and socialism has always been the province of the other team.

Hysteria gets whipped up at times when more reflection would do us all better.



  1. It's not about statutes/monument or the Confederacy. It is an excuse for perpetually angry, miserable, anti social losers to become destructive and violent.
    When the statues are removed they will go on to something else. That is why it was completely ignorant of Hogan and others to give into them. Give then an inch and they are going to keep going for miles just to cause trouble. That's all it's about-Causing trouble.

  2. Take out two people in this equation , Soros and obama , problem solved.

  3. Quit pandering to the snow flakes and loonies. It is American history.

  4. The idiocy by the daily rag trying to stir up interest in getting rid of a historical marker that no one cares about is hilarious. So typical of Salisbury.

  5. I bet if the citizens were able to vote on this, the majority would vote to leave the statues in place. This is all a knee jerk reaction by politicians. It is a shame that hysteria has taken over the country. When (and if) these people come to their senses, I hope they are ashamed of the devastation they have caused.

  6. maryland always knee jerks to the libtards. taxes guns and now this..never a knee jerk for a stroke of freedom. it always to TAKE TAKE TAKE AWAY our rights that they jump on like flies on a turd

  7. This latest ploy of anti statutes attitude is simply a tool used by Progressives. The Democrats have failed their followers for the past six decades. They continuously get them fired up over one trivial item after another in order to divert their members from realizing how they have been suckered and played for fools for generations.
    The Democrats do not want them to see they are really not better off under the Democrats than their grandparents were some sixty years ago.

  8. The Blacks and Anarchist are attempting to "cleans" history to their way of thinking. Just another way of indoctrinating the weak to their way of thinking. If this is not their goal then why are only "White " statues and names being removed.

  9. Why is it that blame is put on the "White" groups? They are also blamed for all the violence. Why is the whole story not being told? There is little to no reporting on the other side such as BLM, ANTIFA and the George Soros groups / organization. Why?

  10. Not Progressives, but GLOBALISTS.
    And they have control of BOTH PARTIES in the US.

    It is all about destroying our Culture including FAMILY, GENDER, and NATIONAL IDENTITY

  11. MD is a DEMON-CRAT STATE !!! so No Hope for MD !!!

    At least the Eastern shore part of it is Republican / Trump

    Md can't CONTROL how the Eastern Shore Votes !!!!!!!!!

  12. It ends at D.C. when MLK is REMOVED !!!

  13. 1:12 what does MLK have to do with the confederate war monuments? I don't understand.


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