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Monday, August 21, 2017

Is Google Working with Liberal Groups to Snuff Out Conservative Websites?

Google revealed in a blog post that it is now using machine learning to document "hate crimes and events" in America. They've partnered with liberal groups like ProPublica, BuzzFeed News, and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) to make information about "hate events" easily accessible to journalists.

And now, there are troubling signs that this tool could be used to ferret out writers and websites that run afoul of the progressive orthodoxy.

In the announcement, Simon Rogers, data editor of Google News Labs, wrote:

"Now, with ProPublica, we are launching a new machine learning tool to help journalists covering hate news leverage this data in their reporting.

"The Documenting Hate News Index — built by the Google News Lab, data visualization studio Pitch Interactive and ProPublica — takes a raw feed of Google News articles from the past six months and uses the Google Cloud Natural Language API to create a visual tool to help reporters find news happening across the country. It’s a constantly-updating snapshot of data from this year, one which is valuable as a starting point to reporting on this area of news.

"The Documenting Hate project launched in response to the lack of national data on hate crimes.."

ProPublica poses as a middle-of-the-road non-profit journalistic operation, but in reality, it's funded by a stable of uber-liberal donors, including George Soros's Open Society Foundations and Herb and Marion Sandler..

More here


  1. in a word YES...facebook is also making it very hard to get the news out, as is twitter...this has been going on for the past 6 months and is getting worse. want news; oann.com, infowars.com, trunews.com, newsmax.com, and it is my understanding Steve Bannon and many others are considering staring a true conservative news program.


  2. A) Is the Pope Catholic?

    B) Do wild bears avoid porta potties in the forest?

    C) Is facebook colluding with goolag and the rest of that ilk?

    A,B and C can be answered with the same word.


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