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Monday, August 21, 2017

Majority in U.S. Say Taxes Are Too High and Tax Code Is Too Complex

70 percent of Democrats want members of Congress to work in a bipartisan way to get tax reform done

A majority of Americans say that taxes are too high and the tax code is too complex, according to a poll from the American Action Network.

The Trump administration and Congress are shifting their focus to tax reform and poll findings show that Americans support a redesign of the tax code that lowers rates and makes it more simple and fair.

"It's clear that Americans, regardless of ideology, widely support fixing our broken tax system," said Corry Bliss, director of the network. "Americans recognize the positive impact a tax code with lower rates would have on working families and small businesses competing with other countries like China."

A majority of all Americans, 57 percent, believe that the tax code needs to be overhauled or revamped in a major way. Another 62 percent of Republicans and 46 percent of Democrats say that their taxes are too high.

Ninety percent of Americans say that the personal income tax system is either very or somewhat complex and 60 percent of respondents say that they would rather a flatter and simpler tax code than one that increases taxes on the wealthiest and is more progressive.

A majority of Democrats, 70 percent, say they want members of Congress to work across the aisle in a bipartisan fashion to get tax reform done.



  1. Where were these Democrats for the last eight years??

  2. 9:14 taking you money as you blindly keep voting for establishment politicians...

    The question you should ask yourself is, where are all of you, who should be outraged...

  3. Apparently they didn't vote for Bernie or Hillary or obama.

  4. Hey 951, that wasn't nice.

    I wanted Ehrlich for another 4 years but the BLIND voted for O'Palley...TWICE. Then we (MD) got a Republican elected (Hogan), but he's gone RINO on us! Nothing establishment there.

    MD is so max'ed out on taxes, I believe it was O'Palley that wanted to even tax the air we breathe!

    Tax reform would be welcomed, but it would probably hurt MD more than most since we rely so much on the income coming in, we give it out even faster.

    Question is how to stop the hurt before everyone leaves!

  5. Democrats will never go for tax reform unless it benefits their rich buddies. We have to pay for all the illegals and their extended families along with all the free loaders that vote Democrat. The Democrats will not be punished for their illegal practices. Then you add in the rogue chameleon so-called Republicans and you get no reform.

  6. A majority of Americans say that taxes are too high and the tax code is too complex, according to a poll from the American Action Network.

    Since when do elected officials care what Americans think?

  7. We are to busy taking down statues and chasing the KKK

  8. The Incompetent Idiots can't get Anything done !!!!!

    Good Luck !!!!!!!! 2 Term Limits for ALL needed !!!


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