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Sunday, July 30, 2017

The New Fence On Rt. 50 In Salisbury

Do any of you find it suspicious how all of a sudden Salisbury is installing these high end fences, at the same time pushing to remove chain link fences? Things that make us go hmmmmm, Boy Mayor. 


  1. Not really, but, it does look nice!

  2. This fence is on a state highway, paid for by SHA funding, put there to prevent kids from being in traffic, no? It might be within the city limits, but it doesn't belong to the city. I wish that I could afford such a fence around my property, if I had property, that is.

  3. Actually I believe we are more "fence aware" because of the chain link fiasco.
    Had it not been for the possible Chain Link regulation we'd never give a thought to new fencing going up

    1. I think that 8:22 has a point.

      We've become "fencitized" and made more "fencitive".

    2. Now that's funny

  4. The children will now start crossing at the intersections with no fence and cross over no matter if the light is red or green and into on coming traffic.

    1. Children? Are you referring to the thugs that that simply walk in front of your vehicle and stop traffic, pants down showing dirty underwear and start curing at you because your driving?

  5. Ocean City is on a State Hwy too. Hmmmmm

  6. The bigger issue is that we (tax payers) have to pay for the fence to block the kids from crossing the busy road inappropriately. Parents, teach you kids how to safely cross the road. Even my 3 year old knows to look for moving cars before crossing the street.

  7. It's a shame that you have to spend tens of thousands of dollars because some people don't have enough sense to cross the street the correct way

  8. 8:30,

    If they would do that at random along the roadway it is much more dangerous. So, the fence makes things safer for all concerned. Plus, some will obey the lights at intersections.

  9. Jake must have a friend in the fence business.

  10. You can't fix stupid

  11. Hopefully the fence will cut down on the kids running across 50 but you still have those that dare you when they walk out in front of the cars traveling 35 mph. Some don't cross as a group and go across stretching out and holding up traffic. I've seen two girls laying in the road from being hit. A couple of months ago I had an adult walk out in front of me. I slammed on brakes and swerved and he walked right to my car and hit it. I'm on green lights moving through there with traffic and he decides to cross. Hopefully with the fence, police will monitor, but this goes from Main Street to Ward Street at Arby's.

  12. Some of them will only see this as a challenge. An obstacle course. A game. No wonder my property taxes went up.

  13. Nanny state actions again come to the Shore. Are we to expect more nanny-like provisions for those of us who don't possess common sense? Let's see a car is bigger than a human; who would win that tossle? People need to be held accountable one way or another for their own stupidity. If you walk out in front of a car, you're committing suicide. Pedestrians not walking on crosswalks should be charged when they cause accidents.

  14. Should have built a wall around the ghetto across the street with one entrance.

  15. 9:17 AM Obvious by your comment that you don't live on this side of town and don't have to deal with the kids that do not follow basic walking rules of the road. Your rant is therefore meaningless.

  16. 916 stop the presses, your property taxes went up? Thought Jakester reduced taxes on the city residents? What's up with that noise?


  17. Nope. None of the above. It's to provide a secure way for the hordes of bicyclists to secure their rides when they are patronizing the successful businesses on the corridor.

  18. Just as long as it's not chain link fencing, Jake doesn't have a problem with fences. Wonder what his position on Trump's wall? It's not chain link so he's probably down with it.

  19. 922 you are wrong, I travel that area everyday and yes, it's a pain in the arse to deal with the kids walking out in traffic but it's also a pain around Acme where homeless people walk out at will in front of traffic also. There comes a time when pedestrians are held accountable for their jaywalking, too. Your comment is most assumptive - and we all know what assume means in real world. The only difference is you only made an ass of yourself!

    1. you've clearly never lived in the city

  20. Slowly fencing in the bad hoods.

  21. This will stop the less athletic of the jaywalkers. Others will hop it.

  22. This will stop the less athletic of the jaywalkers. Others will hop it.

  23. There there to control the idiot THUGS.

  24. You don't need to live on that crappy side of town to be affected by jaywalkers while traveling on a state road.

  25. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The children will now start crossing at the intersections with no fence and cross over no matter if the light is red or green and into on coming traffic.

    July 29, 2017 at 8:30 AM

    Then maybe a few have to be run over to get their attention and their PARENTS attention.

    1. They run across 50 now. With the fence, I can see them still doing it and then walking next to the fence to the light to finish crossing or jumping the fence. And kids do get hit crossing.

  26. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    9:17 AM Obvious by your comment that you don't live on this side of town and don't have to deal with the kids that do not follow basic walking rules of the road. Your rant is therefore meaningless.

    July 29, 2017 at 9:22 AM

    Basic walking rules of the road? What orifice did you pull that gem from?

    And who are you to state someone's statement is meaningless? Here's a tip, disagree all you want but keep the insults in the closet, or YOU stay in the closet.

    Too early in the morning to read such garbage as you are spewing.

  27. Notice this is the same fence that surrounds Salisbury University...Maybe they are buying up more of the city.

  28. That's gaudy as hell!

  29. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Ocean City is on a State Hwy too. Hmmmmm

    July 29, 2017 at 8:42 AM

    Which state highway is that?

  30. 1046
    Calm down.

    922 was definitely in the wrong, but you don't have to blow a cork over it.

    Some commenters write as though they are in a verbal conversation with an illiterate friend.
    I suggest we make a comment and keep it respectful.
    The more respectful we can write without insulting each other, the more enjoyable it is to read the blog.
    Remember there are a lot of people who read this blog, and not all of them choose to comment.
    Keeping it pithy will help the blog to be even more popular and thereby more powerful in exposing the problems of our area.

    Thank you

  31. Building the fence in that area is great. Any one who has to go thru there in the afternoon, knows all the trouble the thugs coming home from school cause. Blocked roads (and they won't get out of your way, your in their way.), fights, vandalism, etc. They need to be funneled right down Truitt street to "where they stay". not a mass migration where they gang up in several streets over that entire area.

  32. I saw a youth scale the fence, about where the first barrel is showing. If they don't they will step out in front of you from the fence and be more dangerous to the driver at least, due to visibility.

  33. Was the fence voted on by the city council how did this come to pass? I will make a suggestion that a fence like this should be put up a long the riverwalk area so no one else drowns, that removal I doubt was voted on. Here's a suggestion maybe Jake would have more support if he gave citizens of the "bury" a vote, a special meeting or a blog we could reply to or telephone audit of responses. Do we matter other than to pay our taxes or pay for your salary?

  34. You people are looking at this all wrong. As your illustrious mayor stated and I quote, "track is bringing communities together". Theses kids are merely practicing to and from school

  35. Salisbury will continue to cater to the deplorables who have no home training all they know is gimme and take.Just build them another high rise section 8 apartment complex on the old salisbury mall property and use the money on this fence to build them basketball courts and jungle jims.I give it till the end of the summer before some gang graffiti B.S. is sprayed all down it.

  36. Everybody has something to say but never have any real solution to anything

  37. Basic walking rules of the road mean you should walk against traffic. There are loads of people around here who must have never learned this. They walk on the right side of the road with traffic traveling the same direction and they have no view of the cars headed toward them who are texting and not paying attention, so they can't jump out of the way!

  38. I would be interested in some photographs of the first few days of open school to see exactly how the locals decide to address this rerouting.

  39. The fence is ugly and I'm sure will be vandalized soon like the ones on Beaglin Park Dr. It's something you would see in D.C. With weeds growing up it, R.I.P. Signs, ads to buy junk cars etc... PLUS HAS ANYONE NOTICED THE CHAIN LINK FENCE AT WI HI?! I guess it's ok for the taxpayers to buy a fence for the school but we can't have chain link on their own property?

  40. If the UFC or some other MMA group comes to Salisbury will they have to change the chain link fencing on the octagon?

  41. Ten bucks says someone wrecks it with a car less than a month from it being completed. Isn't that steel fence with no crumple zone a road hazard?

  42. Basic walking rules of the road? What orifice did you pull that gem from?
    And who are you to state someone's statement is meaningless? Here's a tip, disagree all you want but keep the insults in the closet, or YOU stay in the closet.
    Too early in the morning to read such garbage as you are spewing.
    July 29, 2017 at 10:46 AM

    Ever hear of a crosswalk?
    Ever hear walk facing traffic?
    Ever hear of intersection crossing device?
    yea and I am the stupid one. smh

  43. Ever hear of a crosswalk?
    Ever hear walk facing traffic?
    Ever hear of intersection crossing device?
    yea and I am the stupid one. smh

    July 30, 2017 at 1:21 PM

    I knew what he was trying to say and he is right. It just struck me funny the way he described it.

  44. Just something else the ferrels can destroy.

  45. How about we stop calling our youth "thugs" for a change and appreciate the advancements our local SHA did to the city's infrastructure

    1. I agree! All this kind of talking is not fixing anything. It keeps tensions high and this is why we have people who take their aggression out on others. Grow up people, these "thugs" your talking about are young adults. If we just trash them, we are no better than they are.

  46. More Gov't WAIST of your $$$$$$$$$$

  47. Looks better than guard rails, that protect cars from each other. This will protect PEOPLE from cars. Maybe a little extravagant considering that a chain link fence and barbed wire would accomplish the same ends, with less cost.

  48. 2 or 3 fence panels were hit during the blizzard, see how long that takes to get fixed. I say within 2 weeks a kid will be hit trying to use it as a crossing point.

    Another thing why are the speed cameras still up since the fence was installed? We were told the speed cameras was to slow down traffic since the kids crossed rt 50 at that location, no need for them anymore since taxpayer money was spent installing the expensive fence.


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