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Sunday, July 30, 2017

A Salisbury Paid Firefighter Opens His Big Fat Mouth And Gets Slammed

You know everyone complains about firefighters, until they need one. Its a shame that you did not want to take the risks, or chances to become one in your life. I mean I am sure you had higher paying jobs, and did not have to work shift work, or holidays. I get that, and it makes sense. Sure they sit around after running call after call at times, but have you ever seen city workers? or county workers? How about the people who work in offices? are you not sitting on your butt all day also. Your not working 8 hours none stop I bet, try working 24 hours none stop.

Look you candy ass pansy, (and I hope everyone reading this pays very close attention to what you just said) you just slapped every taxpayer right in the face because guess what, YOU ARE BEING PAID THE WHOLE TIME to do a job YOU chose to do and clearly from your spelling errors you never went very far in school.

Point is - who risk their life for someone property, life for what they really receive? You, the people who complain? Would you even get up in the middle of the storm to help a neighbor? 

You pay our readers the kind of salary you get, health insurance, disability and retirement and I can assure you our viewers would gladly do your job. Let's remember that YOU chose your profession.

You dont like the administration of the department, thats fine. Firefighters are not your issue, your fear of being one, or envy of is. I hope some day you will stop being jealous and volunteer to see how hard "one" fire could be. Or how hard it is lifting 300+ pounds of dead weight over a railing with a stretcher is.

The only 300 pound object many of us would choose to lift is a keg of beer while we sit in a lawn chair watching you put out a fire because we are paying you to do so. Do your damn job and shut your fat trap.

Dont be Jealous - step up - volunteer - see what its like, then make stupid comments

Now who's jealous?


  1. Not sure I followed this rambling rant, but it seems to me that he is encouraging people to "volunteer". Isn't that what the SFD is trying to shut down - the VOLUNTEERS?! Now this is funny - and I don't care who you are! ROFLMAO

  2. If you can't spell and don't know grammar, try to stick with what you know. It is posts like this that make firemen appear uneducated and ignorant. You aren't helping your "cause"...whatever that is!

  3. I think what he said is true....we go by road construction, one working two supervising! We all chuckle about it but it's true. He can express his opinion! As a taxpayer I'm not offended.

  4. If we ignore this firefighter infighting will they just go away. Don't go away mad, just go away? People are just over it at this point!

  5. All of the problems with SFD and the City go back to the lack of real leadership at all levels. There are no adults in charge. Just kids and wannabes. Salisbury and Wicomico will always be backward and other cities and counties will surpass our area until we have leaders who aren't in it for themselves and their buddies, who aren't afraid to hire smart people and who put the taxpayers and the greater good first.

  6. Damage control comments, I love it.

  7. It's hard to believe that a bunch of men, supposedly professionals, are behaving like this. This is playground stuff, boys. Get some intervention and stop with the drama.

  8. Is it time to go back to all-volunteer, no pay? At least back in the day, firefighters gave a damn about the community they served!

  9. jealous? lol are you serious? that's just one more thing you guys have wrong with you, your ego. maybe some little boys riding their tricycles might be jealous when they see the flashy red trucks go by with their lights and sirens on but I doubt any adult would be jealous.

    And after reading about all the infighting, back stabbing and whining from current members of fire dept's why would anyone want to subject themselves to that nonsense and abuse?

    Keep putting out fires, stop starting them, do you job and stop expecting a parade whenever you do.

    You have brought all this negativity upon yourselves by your constant whining and complaining. Most are tired of hearing it.

    Do your job and go home, or just go home.

  10. A good paying job with benefits. In this economy and especially in this area, you are blessed. If you were smart, you'd all shut up and try not to call attention to yourselves. All you are proving is that volunteers should be supported more than ever. Why do we need paid firemen anyway? All you do is waste taxpayer money riding around town picking up food. Is that all you do - eat? A smart Mayor would be promoting the idea of a volunteer fire service. If you have people willing to get all the certifications required of "paid" firefighters and serve for free, why wouldn't you be thrilled with that and welcome them? I don't understand the current thinking that volunteers are bad and spending taxpayer money unnecessarily is good.

  11. Rife with grammar and misspelling, I could make no sense from this post.


  12. Let the County take it all over. Period.

  13. I am not jealous. I am disgusted by the financial waste and ugly attitudes.

  14. I love how you clowns at the Fire department and the Police department always run your mouth and use that bull crap statement "You always complain about us, until you need us" Sure some of that statement might be true, however, the difference here is, Unlike most corporations, in which you both are, we have the choice to use or not use your services and when we don't want to use said service or when we are not happy with said service with other corporations we have the right and ability to go else where, with you the SFD and the SPD, we ARE FORCED to pay for your service wither we want it or not, and wither we like the service provided or not or wither you provide said services the best you can, and in this case you both don't provided a good service!!!!

    It is easy to get mad and run off at the mouth, I will be the first to say this is true, however again, we HAVE NO CHOICE but to pay and use your service and had we had the ability to go else, where or use someone else for the same exact service we would and then you would be left with nothing, so while you think we complain about you, think about how you don't provide the best service you should and can, and that without my tax money, you wouldn't exist as the fire department... Oh but you NEVER think of that do you?

    Must be nice to use my tax money and grants to buy a boat that sits in dry dock and never used!!!!Must be nice to get what you want form tax payers money isn't it??? Think about that too when you run your mouth ab out use complaining about you and your so called service you provide...

    1. 2:29pm...what an incredibly well written and lucid reply. Thank you for writing this on our behalf. These clowns (PD & FD) don't get it.

  15. I hope the person who wrote this article is better at putting out fires than attempting to articulate their description of a firefighter's duties.

  16. Holy crap that writer is illiterate. Can't spell, poor grammar and can't complete a simple sentence. I am actually embarrassed for his fool. Absolutely disgusting. This is who we have to count on? It appears he can't even read and write. How can he study for and take tests for certification and proficiency? Wow just...wow.

  17. He failed to note they SLEEP a third of the time we PAY them. LOSERS

    1. Paid so called firefighters fail to mention this little fact all the time. They have become snake oil salesmen, and have lost the respect their forefathers earned.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I am not jealous. I am disgusted by the financial waste and ugly attitudes.

    July 24, 2017 at 1:17 PM


  19. Dumb Farmin said..."Your not working 8 hours none stop I bet, try working 24 hours none stop."

    Hey Dumb Dumb that would be "Nonstop."
    1.continuing without stopping or pausing.
    "we had two days of almost nonstop rain"

    pronoun: none
    1. not any.
    "none of you want to work"

    OMG so true^^^ and how appropriate of an example^^ for you dumb Farmin.

    Since you wrote it twice I know it's not a typo and you are dumb as Hell and an embarrassment to the City. But Hell, the only one that has you beat there is Jake "Jacked-up-Teeth" Day, the wannabe Mare.

    Dumb Farmin said... "Dont be Jealous - step up - volunteer - see what its like, then make stupid comments"

    We know who made the "dumb comments." LMAO

  20. Anonymous said...
    All of the problems with SFD and the City go back to the lack of real leadership at all levels. There are no adults in charge. Just kids and wannabes. Salisbury and Wicomico will always be backward and other cities and counties will surpass our area until we have leaders who aren't in it for themselves and their buddies, who aren't afraid to hire smart people and who put the taxpayers and the greater good first.

    July 24, 2017 at 11:41 AM

    You are absolutely 100% correct. The real problem is people like Rick Hoppes, Jeff Simpson, David See and Steve Brezler who were nothing but text book firemen. All they do and have done is read war stories in Firehouse Magazine and Fire Chief magazine about how fires are supposed to be fought. Written by more text book firemen just like them. People that read about it, try to enforce it and then write about it. It's nothing but a vicious cycle of stupidity that allows these morons to be appointed in the wrong positions. That and kissing A$$ like Rick Hoppes did during his illustrious career at the Salisbury Fire Department.

  21. Anonymous said...
    All of the problems with SFD and the City go back to the lack of real leadership at all levels. There are no adults in charge. Just kids and wannabes. Salisbury and Wicomico will always be backward and other cities and counties will surpass our area until we have leaders who aren't in it for themselves and their buddies, who aren't afraid to hire smart people and who put the taxpayers and the greater good first.

    July 24, 2017 at 11:41 AM

    Correct. All the wrong "leaders" in the Salisbury Fire Department that is breeding this stupid mentality.

    You have Rick Hoppes with his fake diploma mill college diploma running the department that he was denied the chiefs position numerous times and then got it by accident when Faux Mayor Jim Ireton used him to get back at Debbie Campbell, Terri Cohen and Tim Spies who would not confirm him because they knew he was a worthless sack of sh!t. Then comes along doofus Jake Day who accidentally gets elected in place of Campbell and the first thing he says is that is priority is confirming Rick Hoppes as Fire Chief. What an idiot you people allowed to fall into the Mayor's position.

    Then you have John Tull who stabbed Rick Hoppes in the back when Jeff Simpson made him the "Senior Assistant Chief" which was a fake position Simpson created to put John Tull over Rick Hoppes who Simpson hated. Simpson demoted Hoppes to the Admin Deputy Chief in charge of the office staff. He was nothing more than an office girl who had no authority. That was the only quality of Simpson that many liked. Then Rick Hoppes get the appointment and promotes John Tull to Deputy Fire Chief. Now that shows some mental issues on the part of Rick Hoppes. A real chief would have demoted the back stabbing John Tull and forced him out of the department.

    Now they are grooming John Tull to become the fire chief when Hoppes has to leave because he is in the DROP and he is running out of time.

  22. Anonymous said...
    Not sure I followed this rambling rant, but it seems to me that he is encouraging people to "volunteer". Isn't that what the SFD is trying to shut down - the VOLUNTEERS?! Now this is funny - and I don't care who you are! ROFLMAO

    July 24, 2017 at 11:26 AM

    I agree how silly that sounds, but he hates vollies so he is just saying that as a "dare" if you will.

  23. Anonymous said...
    If you can't spell and don't know grammar, try to stick with what you know. It is posts like this that make firemen appear uneducated and ignorant. You aren't helping your "cause"...whatever that is!

    July 24, 2017 at 11:28 AM

    Most of them are uneducated and ignorant. Look at Jimmie Gladwell and Bryan Records. Both of them barely made it through high school and neither one of them have any credentials to qualify them to be in the leadership positions they are in now. They wouldn't make it a day in a real college or a real job. Neither one of them will be able to get a job as a Fire Chief anywhere in this country in a real fire department. They will be forever stuck driving handicap vans for Life Star Ambulance company.

    Bryan Records said... "I don't need no stinkin college degree to put wet stuff on tha far." "All they want these days is a college boy to be the chief and no college boy can fight far." "I just posted a picture of my boy as a University of Landover student on a field trip wif tha PG Far Department. Thats tha only edukayshun you need to fight far."

  24. Here is a list of the p!ss poor leadership in the Salisbury Fire Department.

    Rick Hoppes, John Tull, Darrin Scott, Bryan Records, Jimmie Gladwell, Mike Donaway, Chris "Crash" O'Barsky, David Insley, Brooks Morris, Rob Frampton, Jay Jester, Doug Parker, Tony Webster, Bryan Lewis, Big Dawg, Eric Cramer, Aron Colecrove, and David Cox(If you remember David Cox was arrested for driving an old unmarked police car fitted with lights and sirens. He was busted for impersonating a police officer and told the Deputy that he was a Deputy Sheriff in Dorchester County which was a lie. He was found with all kinds of MSP hats, shirts, patches, you name it. Joe posted a major story on him and what his charges were and what he got caught with. Pictures of Chief David See at the press conference as well. David Cox was suspended from the Salisbury fire department for well over a year while this was being investigated. David See retires in the meantime and Rick Hoppes became the acting fire chief. So something happened with the case and they dropped most of the charges. Well guess what. Acting Chief Rick Hoppes hires the guy back after knowing that he was GUILTY as charged. Then Acting Chief Hoppes appoints him "acting lieutenant." Then recently appointed him to full lieutenant. Now would anyone in their right mind hire this guy back knowing he had all these charges and he was still being investigated by the Delaware State Police for the same. He was pulling over women late at night. How creepy is that!!) And the rest of the fire department is acting Lieutenants. Everyone rotates in that position except the new guys and Paramedic John Dennis who was demoted from acting lieutenant to fireman/paramedic.

    That is a F***** Up line up of leadership in the Salisbury Fire Department.

    Please comment on each and everyone of them what disqualifies them for the position they are in.

  25. This clown thinks that they work 24 hours straight? Did he forget to mention that one section of the fire department building is a dormitory set up with beds, air conditioning cold enough for a meat locker, fans for every bed, low lighting, and an alarm system to wake everyone up when there is a call. The shifts are 7 am to 7 am. At 11 pm they all hit the sack and snooze most every single night except the paramedics on the ambulance. They run their butts off every single night. Their is no down time for them.

    Now is that working 24 hours straight??

  26. I think it's time for a County Wide Fire Department. That means there would be a Wicomico County Fire Department and the Salisbury Fire Department would fall under the County leadership. That fire department would then run like a well oiled machine.

  27. I can tell you this much if Jake Day appoints John Tull as the next fire chief that department will continue to go down hill quick.

    It's time for some change and time to clean house.

    Most of the people being hired are people that can't get a real firefighter job in a real fire department. Rick Hoppes scraped the bottom of the barrel to find those clowns.

  28. See the Lieutenant Promotions below and you will see where the criminal David Cox was promoted to a paid fire Lieutenant. This guy has a criminal record and shouldn't be paid or volunteer much less promoted to Lieutenant. This came from their SFD website. http://salisburyfd.com/gallery/detail/27366

    This is definitely worthy of a separate story on it's own on the David Cox saga Mr. Albero.


    SFD Graduation and Swearing In Ceremony
    Tuesday, June 13, 2017

    Salisbury Fire Department Graduation and Swearing In Ceremony

    Firefighter I Academy Class-FF Maxwell Ehrsam, FF Christian Grossman, FF Matthew Munday, FF Enma Rodriquez, FF Jenifer Ford, FF Julie Mason, and FF Seth Roberts

    Operational Members-FF James Ashmead, EMT Kaylie Dunbar, FF/EMT Adam Hoeffner, EMT Ian Hunter, FF Keith Laird, FF Tyler Marshall, FF James Nelson, FF/EMT John Stavac, FF TreVaughn Topping, FF/EMT Brooks Bowden, FF Ryan Heath, FF Jordan Hughes, FF/EMT Michaela Jenkins, FF/EMT Craig Langrall, FF Ahmad McMillan, FF Amber Saunders, FF/EMT Nathan Thompson, and FF Joseph Trossbach.

    New Employee-FF/EMTP Andrew Quillen

    Promotions-A/Lt. Justin Byrd, A/Lt. Logan Helmuth, A/Lt. Donald Messick, A/Lt. Joshua Engle, A/Lt. Ryan LeCates, A/Lt. Thomas Moore, Lt. Aaron Colegrove, Lt. David Haines, Lt. David Cox, Lt. Christopher Truitt, Capt. Corey Allensworth, Capt. Brooks Morris, Capt. David C. Twilley, Capt. Billy Lewis, Capt. Douglas Parker, and A/C Jon David Black.

    Congratulations to All!


    1. The boy got off of everything. Leave his personal life out of this . He is a dam good fire fighter and officer. He never caused issues with us vollys when he was on shift out there . Well deserved Dave.
      Yup I'm a 13 member and I did alot for the city so bash me if ya want but to throw this guy under the table is bull sh#t

  29. Here are 5 SBYNews stories on David Cox alone.

    You should search them are read them. Maybe it's time to repost them to show what kind of leadership we have in the Salisbury Fire Department.

    1)Wednesday, July 16, 2008

    2) Thursday, July 17, 2008
    Salisbury Firefighter Arrested For Impersonating A Police Officer

    3) Thursday, July 17, 2008
    David Cox Was Loaded With Illegal Material

    4) Monday, September 29, 2008
    Fighting Fire With Criminals

    5)Friday, July 17, 2009
    One Year Ago Today)

  30. Oh those horrible 24 hour shifts that you guys have to work. How can you heroes do it.

    I've got an excellent idea. Lets petition the mayor and city council to put you heroes back on the 8 hour shifts. Studies have proven that the 24 hour shifts are not good for you anyway.

    I think that is exactly what you are saying that you need to go back to those 8 hour shifts because like you said who can work 24 hours straight. Especially with the next 3 days off.

    What do you say tax payers? Let's put these paid firemen on 8 hour shifts since they seem to be complaining about it.

  31. A proven leader in EMS who is also an attorney did this story on 24 hour shift which proved that 24 hour shifts were unsafe. That is reason enough to change the 24 hour shifts in Salisbury back to the 8 hour shifts.

    Studies Prove 24-Hour Shifts Unsafe

    Another ethical dilemma for EMS leaders
    Wed, Apr 25, 2012 By Skip Kirkwood, MS, JD, EMT-P, EFO, CMO

    Here is the Link.

  32. Part 1

    Studies Prove 24-Hour Shifts Unsafe
    Another ethical dilemma for EMS leaders
    Wed, Apr 25, 2012 By Skip Kirkwood, MS, JD, EMT-P, EFO, CMO

    EMS folks—whether staff, supervisory or executive—can always be counted on to say one of two things, or sometimes both.
    First, from the field staff, “We always put the interests of our patients first.” Second, from the gold badges, “Our people are our most important assets.”
    Really? Making ethical, rather than expedient, decisions is a constant challenge. There are always competing pressures—some internal, some external.
    Recently, I challenged EMS executives to take a high ethical path when it comes to meeting response performance requirements, and the ensuing discussion was both interesting and enlightening. This month I’d like to challenge both executives and those at the tip of the spear (the field EMTs and paramedics), whose interpersonal skills, decision-making capability and clinical expertise can make or break an EMS organization, to another uncomfortable discussion: the EMS work schedule. Specifically, except in specific circumstances, it’s time for the 24-hour (or longer) shift to go away.
    The science is all over the place. Excessive consecutive work hours, without adequate, quality sleep intervals, is bad for the patients, and it’s bad for providers too.1 Depending on whether you’re willing to accept evidence from other disciplines (e.g., medicine and law enforcement) we know the following:
    • Fatigued drivers are as bad as intoxicated or texting drivers. They have more accidents.2–3

    • Fatigued EMTs and paramedics crash ambulances, commit more clinical errors and experience more injuries.
    • Fatigued shift workers are more likely to get killed or injured on the way home.4
    It goes on and on, but the science is pretty clear. Being a fatigued worker, or employing fatigued workers, is a bad thing. But we continue to do so. Why?
    • It’s cheaper, in many environments, to use 24-hour shifts. Certainly, this is so in the fire service, where there’s a specific exemption in the Fair Labor Standards Act that doesn’t require payment of overtime after 40 hours, but it’s also true in some non-fire environments.
    • It takes less people to staff a 24-hour shift (24–48s use six full-time employees (FTEs) although 12-hour shifts require eight FTEs). Quality, qualified EMTs and paramedics aren’t like bananas found growing on trees and in bunches. It’s hard to find and keep sufficient good employees.
    • Some employees like working a schedule that gives them 20 days per month off, at least on paper. This may provide more time with the family or an opportunity to work another job. Or these providers may have an opportunity to sleep away another 10 days getting caught up from the fatigue of a too-busy 24-hour shift.

  33. Part 2

    Studies Prove 24-Hour Shifts Unsafe
    Another ethical dilemma for EMS leaders
    Wed, Apr 25, 2012 By Skip Kirkwood, MS, JD, EMT-P, EFO, CMO

    Ethical Standpoint
    Now let’s look at the ethics of this.
    But before I do, let me say that I understand. Although I work in a great EMS agency with outstanding public support, money doesn’t grow on trees, and the budget has remained flat or has contracted over the past few years, more or less the same as most everybody else’s. And I also recognize that this isn’t a single-dimension discussion. There are places where the EMS units are very quiet—where a unit may not run a call for days. I’m not talking about those places. If crews have quiet days and often sleep most of the night, then 24s of any variety may be just your cup of tea. Fine. Go for it. No ethical issues to contend with. For the rest of us …
    Every EMS agency that I know of has a policy that you don’t drink alcohol at work or come to work when you’ve been drinking. Some specify limits, some specify hours since, but pretty much everybody expects medics to be fully sober when at work. Many (some are slow to keep up with technology) have similar policies involving talking on cell phones and sending text messages while driving or doing patient care. All of those activities result in performance degradation that’s often benchmarked against alcohol intoxication.5
    Similarly, fatigue has been so benchmarked. At the 19th hour without sleep, an individual’s driving performance (and by implication their clinical decision-making skills) are degraded similarly to an individual who has a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .10—at or over the legal limit in most states. So if our units are sufficiently busy that staff aren’t guaranteed to get at least five uninterrupted hours, and those same staff actually sleep for those five hours (I’ve never been one who could sleep on command; I need a few hours to wind down from the past call first), are we institutionalizing working while impaired? What are the ethical implications of that decision? If that doesn’t bother you, what are the potential legal and financial consequences?
    Adding icing to the cake … when a member of the ambulance crew shows signs of fatigue, what do we do? Typically, we make the partner of the fatigued/impaired medic (assuming that they are in better shape) drive. So we assign patient care, instead of driving, to the impaired crew member? Not so nice an idea, when you look at it that way.
    OK, bosses. If you know this, and you’re ethical leaders, why do you build, allow or maintain 24-hour shifts? Is it the right thing to do? And how will you explain it to the media, and the family of the deceased, when something bad happens because an employee is working while impaired by fatigue.
    And you guys and gals—staff medics and union leaders—if patient care is our first concern, how can we justify insisting that bosses allow us those schedules? Is the “time off” really worth it? In candid conversations, I hear, “Well, maybe not.”
    “I’m so tired when I get home after a 24-hour shift that I have to sleep for 12 hours to get right, and by then the day is shot,” is not an uncommon statement.

  34. Part 3

    Studies Prove 24-Hour Shifts Unsafe

    Another ethical dilemma for EMS leaders
    Wed, Apr 25, 2012 By Skip Kirkwood, MS, JD, EMT-P, EFO, CMO

    “I have to work two or three jobs just to make ends meet! If I don’t work 24s, I won’t be able to do that!”
    This is another difficult argument to contend with. Just like low, entry-level requirements, that response makes the problem worse, not better. If there weren’t such a ready supply of medics willing to work for abysmal wages, then salaries would rise. Working three jobs to pay the bills just enables employers who don’t pay living wages.
    The existence of 24-hour shifts, and the continuation of the practice in agencies for which they were once viable, is a disaster waiting to happen, and it poses huge ethical dilemmas for both labor and management. Many agencies have avoided that disaster, by luck if not by design. As it is often quoted, “Luck is not a strategy.” Who’s going to stand in front of your headquarters and answer the hard questions from the TV reporters about why your agency uses a known, dangerous practice. Who answers about why your agency allows trusted medics to work longer than truck drivers may drive or pilots may fly? Who’s going to explain to the spouse of the injured or killed medic, or the family of the victim or patient who’s killed or injured by a medic impaired by fatigue?
    If you’re a labor leader, you need not be negotiating contract provisions that are dangerous to your members. Remember what we said at the beginning: Our patients’ well being is the most important consideration. If you’re a management representative, you need to advocate (strongly, and in writing) for the funding, FTE allocation and whatever else you need to move your organization to a more viable staffing model. Your people are your most important assets. It’s unethical to act otherwise. Just saying.

  35. Petition · Bill Haslam: Ban 24 hour shifts for EMTs and Paramedics ...

    Feb 23, 2017 - Ban 24 hour shifts for EMTs and Paramedics. ... The negative repercussions on the health and well-being of pre-hospital providers are not ...

  36. Negative Impacts of Shiftwork and Long Work Hours - NCBI - NIH

    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › NCBI › Literature › PubMed Central (PMC)
    by CC Caruso - ‎2014 - ‎Cited by 90 - ‎Related articles

    Jump to Inadequate sleep linked to shift work, long work hours, and sleep ... - History of night shift significantly ... Long weekly work hours and overtime have ... from 33% of women aged 18–24 to 48% of women aged 55–64.

  37. 24-hour shifts interfere with heart function | Health24


    Dec 5, 2016 - 24-hour shifts bad for heart. 24-hour shift – iStock ~. Sleep deprivation while working 24-hour shifts affects heart function, a new German study ...

  38. It's been proven over and over again that 24 hour shifts are bad for firemen. They should be banned.

  39. Did you read the part that said you need more people with shorter shifts. You hate the 24s but you also do not want to pay for more personnel. Any other staffing model will require more people and more money. The unfortunate part Is the 24 hour shift is cost effective.

  40. So typical of today's farmen, we care about our service, we care about the public, but only until it affects our days off, or second jobs, then it's all about US! The 24 shift is a dinosaur, but no Chief or Mayor has the gonads to do anything about it.

  41. He got off on everything. He did not do anything...you people are idiots.

  42. If your going to throw out criminal records let's look at the volunteers county wide also. Starting with the wannabes.


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