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Sunday, July 16, 2017

Ocean City officials say wind turbines too close to coast an eyesore


OCEAN CITY, Md. —Recent approval of two wind farms off the coast of Ocean City is generating concern.

Beach-goers, property owners and elected officials are worried that the distance of the wind farms from shore will change the view.

In Ocean City, the beach matters. Its 10-mile sandy coast is the No. 1 asset in Maryland's vacation capital. The quaint town of just more than 7,000 welcomes 345,000 visitors each summer.

Hotels, condominiums, clubs, bars and restaurants exist because of beach-goers. Ocean City tourism generates $150 million each year in tax revenues for the state.

But change as significant as the constant offshore breeze is literally on the horizon.



  1. Wind Turbines damage the environment, kill wildlife, and contribute to global warming. The blades are made of toxic components that cannot be recycled.

    Calling wind turbines clean energy is a lie.

  2. Yes, they're a terrible reminder that we're on planet Earth.

  3. They are an eyesore!

  4. Bob Aswell....Not Fooled by lying politiciansJuly 15, 2017 at 12:34 PM

    Hey guys,you elected along with the rest of the liberals Jim Mathias. He takes campaign money from ANY electric company that will give it to him even if they're NOT in Worcester Co. or the St.of Md. He's 100% for these turbines and like oil fracking its an abomination on the earth and should ONLY be relegated to land that's of NO OTHER use such as landfills and EPA condemned areas.
    Don't cry NOW because during the election years YOU ALL SAID he was the best thing since sliced bread. You sound hypocritical and like the kids who didn't get what you wanted for Christmas. Since our Governor DIDN'T vote for Trump, my guess is nothing is going to stop them except some NEW BLOOD and I DON'T mean CORROZA!!!!!!!!! Lay in it.
    Bob Aswell..... NOT fooled by lying politicians.

  5. Will the top 3 commenters be here 40 years from now? I only ask because will the turbines bother you then? Technology is changing by the year so harming the environment, toxins, eyesores now doesn't mean it will be the exact same then.

    UNLESS you have crystal balls - THEN if you do - screw the turbines, get those lottery numbers pronto!!!!

    Really folks if there was a chance that we could get ice water to people in hell, the turbines would already be a done deal. We talk about it ad nauseam...not gonna happen - but please continue to opine with your closed minded comments. They make me laugh!

    1. And I'll bet those turbines don't make it 40 years

  6. All that traffic coming down Route 50 to get to OC is an eyesore too.

  7. 12:54, in 40 years, the second batch of wind turbines out there will have turned to crap like the first ones did before they went 20 years. Look around the world and see how long the ones on LAND lasted, then add SALT WATER to that!

    The carbon footprint to manufacture, erect, maintain and recycle these monsters is much larger than the energy generated.

    We're not stupid OR on the dole...

  8. 12:54. You are the one that is closed minded. The people who sell these products are no different from the solar panel crowd.....government funded lazy clip board holders who push lies about the environment so that people like you yell "the sky is falling". There are other ways than junking up the landscape.

  9. Wind turbines are NOT enviro friendly. Wind turbines will never pay back their cost, are an eyesore, and cause electric grid instability leading to blackouts.

    Follow the money. Someone is getting their palm greased to put these stupid things up.

    This country is sitting on top of HUGE energy reserves that are proven and reliable. Only the most wanting stupid political hacks would deny the people the use of our energy.

  10. To these eyesore complainers. You were against hydro-power in the 70's that generated electric with the water currents moving paddles located on the ocean floor. So make up your mind you either want alternative sources of power or you don't. Hydro-power was designed and tested by the Navy and proved to be very efficient. It was environmentally friendly. You were bitching about the cables on the ocean floor. This goes to show me how big of idiots people are and all they want to do is complain.

  11. Fossil fuel is king today without any subsidy. With subsidy, alternate energy is snake oil. The only recent breakthrough is hybrid because previously lost energy in braking is captured and returned to the batteries of the hybrid. Even the Tesla guy survives on Federal subsidies because his products simply doesn't compete without the subsidies that can be erased by a political move.

  12. Just think how good tbe fishing will be with all those birds droping out of the sky.

  13. Are they anymore an eyesore than the eyesore of the planes flying banners or the boat with advertising. Oh I get it oc has not found how to make money on the wind farms.
    With Oc always follow the money.

  14. I own property in OC- why wasn't my opinion on the matter taken into consideration? This should be a vote by property owners. I don't remember such a vote.

  15. Dens loved this issue in Massachusetts. Until they found best place was off Martha vineyard where the rich Dems had their mansions. Then they killed it.

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Wind Turbines damage the environment, kill wildlife, and contribute to global warming. The blades are made of toxic components that cannot be recycled.

    Calling wind turbines clean energy is a lie.

    July 15, 2017 at 11:13 AM

    I lol'ed when I read this and others that are similar. You guys have obviously not kept current with wind turbines, blades or energy produced. Just go do some CURRENT research on the babble you are repeating.

    And take that idiot property owner with you. You can all VOTE on which fact you want to correct and update first. lol. lord.

  17. Wind turbines have a lifespan of 15 years or less when on land; Offshore is less. Transmission costs to ship this energy out of the area are being paid by local ratepayers. This means not only are we forgoing our environment and habitat, but also paying the bulk of the cost for other areas to get energy.

    Commenter 12:25 must be using MSM sources for information.

  18. Property Owner....why didn't I have a say? HAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, must be a "new" property owner "round these parts hon".

    Turbines won't happen but EVERYONE continue to opine about it being an eyesore, bad for the environment.

    About the bad for the environment, I suppose its ok for our NUCLEAR aircraft carries and submarines continue to mossy around the world PROTECTING us. Imagine "IF" a disaster were to happen to the environment...ooohhhhhhh. How about the rest of the WORLD's plastics pollution that's out in the Pacific Ocean...

    ..and you all b*tch/moan about turbines that WON'T come to fruition. (big word, look it up..no one will know you did - HA)

  19. Typical Liberals attacking those who know the facts. The solution is to apply the same subsidy for production that conventional sources receive and wind and solar will disappear.


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