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Sunday, July 16, 2017

Baltimore Leaders Propose Mandatory Jail For Most Illegal Gun Possession

Baltimore officials are proposing a mandatory one-year sentence for illegal gun possession within 100 yards of a school, park, church or public building.

Mayor Catherine Pugh announced the local legislation Friday, along with Police Commissioner Kevin Davis and other local officials.

Pugh says the attorney general has provided an opinion that the local measure is constitutional.

City Council President Jack Young says people walking around Baltimore with illegal guns are not well-intentioned. 



  1. What do they plan to do with all the empty schools and teachers?

  2. So, if you are 101 yards away, you are not a criminal?

  3. Gotta be the dumbest bunch of liberal idiot's ever born

  4. Theres so many gun laws already on the books that cover this VERY thing....but you dont enforce them, you plea bargin them away, you slap them on the wrist and turn them loose to deal drugs, rape and rob again and again. These new laws arent for the criminals...there to keep the good citizens from protecting themselves so YOUR criminals can have their way with them!

  5. So just "legalize" guns.


    You're welcome.

  6. Democrats bemoan the fact that the jails are full of young black Baltimore men put there by the very laws that Democrats created, and whine for the cameras about how disproportionate the system is and how lives are ruined by incarceration, but then turn around and guarantee that the jails will be bursting at the seams with even more young black Baltimore men?

  7. "City Council President Jack Young says people walking around Baltimore with illegal guns are not well-intentioned. "

    Really, Jack? Ya think?

  8. When a criminal is charged with any felony involving a gun they are charged separately with a gun crime. In other words when they shoot some one they are charged with murder AND the use of a fire arm in the commission of a crime. When they rob a bank they are charged with robbery and a separate charge of use of a fire arm to commit a crime.So when the perp pleads out what's the first charge to be dropped. The use of a fire arm charge. So there's no need for more gun laws. It's up to us as citizens to hold the state's attorneys and judges responsible for letting these crooks off the hook with gun crime. Case in point was the boy 2 weeks ago sentenced to 25 years for a first degree murder charge. He made a plea deal. What was the first charge dropped in that deal. The gun charge. The Wicomico States Attorneys were high fiving each other about their conviction in that case. HOG WASH.....that thug will be out in 10 years and commit another crime. This is were citizens need to step up and hold our SA's and judges responsible.

  9. 1:10- Guns are legal. There. What am I thanking you for again?

  10. 12:37 If you are a born here and cannot under stand that if you are 101 yards away, you are breaking the law but not subject to the mandatory sentence, you needed to stay in school.

  11. But won't this be prejudicial and unfair to the minorities?

  12. How about more jail time for.....wait for it.....wait for it...................ILLEGALS!!!!

    Sanctuary city anyone??????

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    So, if you are 101 yards away, you are not a criminal?

    July 15, 2017 at 12:37 PM

    possession of a firearm by anyone should never be a crime. that would make the 2nd amendment a crime

  14. Bad move.
    They won't be able to handle to huge number of criminals who will now understand what they are doing is illegal and turn all their guns over to the cops.
    Why didn't they put this law into effect years ago??
    We'd have a paradise in Baltimore by now.

    On the stupid scale, they hit a "10".


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