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Sunday, July 16, 2017

Salisbury Maryland: 94 degrees, black blouse with coat and hat!


  1. And gloves too!

  2. heading for day spa dont want sun damage

  3. Most homeless have mental illness and it's cruel to let them live like this.

  4. I bet they stink!!

  5. that is really sad...pray for her to get help...and for some of the people commenting to remember to be a little kinder.

  6. Good example of: See something, say something

  7. It is her choice to wear this or maybe her husband has forced her to wear it. Either way in this heat it is stupid. I can see covering yourself but to add a jacket and gloves? I bet her husband walks around in shorts.

  8. Don't ask if she is hot. That would be discrimination and prejudice!

  9. If you wear it, you don't need to carry it. This is generally how you spot homeless in Ocean City.

  10. She was coming out of Kinko's/ FedEx. Didn't come off as homeless to me.


  11. There are some who are so sensitive to the sun that they need to cover every square inch of skin, especially on days when the UV index reading is as high as it gets.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Most homeless have mental illness and it's cruel to let them live like this.

    July 14, 2017 at 2:04 PM

    Who said she was homeless? I have seen a lot of people who "overdress" in my opinion, including migrant workers. They say, however, that it makes them cooler and not feel the heat as much.

    Regardless, we live in a society that allows people to dress as they see fit. It doesn't bother me even if I do think it is odd.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    that is really sad...pray for her to get help...and for some of the people commenting to remember to be a little kinder.

    July 14, 2017 at 2:29 PM

    How do you know she needs help?

  14. 2:30pm
    Say something to who?

  15. I don't think anything I wrong with her. I think she is sensitive to the sun.

  16. It is really sad that you people who are commenting on this picture are either bored, unemployed or both. Stereotyping someone based on their clothing is sad. Think before you speak. You never know what this person's situation is!


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