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Sunday, June 25, 2017

Holder Wants To Be In The Spotlight And Might Run In 2020

Former Attorney General Eric Holder is moving away from a behind-the-scenes role and is considering running for president in 2020, according to a Tuesday report from Yahoo News.

“Up to now, I have been more behind-the-scenes. But that’s about to change. I have a certain status as the former attorney general. A certain familiarity as the first African-American attorney general,” Holder told Yahoo News. “There’s a justified perception that I’m close to President Obama. So I want to use whatever skills I have, whatever notoriety I have, to be effective in opposing things that are, at the end of the day, just bad for the country.”

The former attorney general has been working against Trump administration initiatives ranging from crackdowns on illegal immigration to increased prosecutions of drug dealers.

Holder further explained that Hillary Clinton’s loss inspired him to step into the spotlight.

“I thought, frankly, along with everybody else, that after the election, with Hillary Clinton as president, I could walk off the field,” the former attorney general elaborated. “So when she didn’t win, I thought, ‘We’ll have to see how this plays out.’ But it became clear relatively soon — and certainly sooner than I expected — that I had to get back on the field and be in effective opposition.”



  1. Another entitled idoit wanting his two minutes of fame

  2. Better than Hillary, but not by much!

  3. Should be in jail


  4. "Holder Wants To Be In The Spotlight.."


    Let's start with Fast and Furious and go from there..

  5. Trump needs to name a special prosecutor to investigate this man's involvement in all of Obama's scandals, especially Fast and Furious. This man is dirty.

    1. I have NO CLUE why Trump doea not pull these people in for investigations it MUST be bc every other inveatigator is still a obama plant.

  6. Oh and the blacks will come out in record numbers to vote for him because they without fail always vote stupidly. Then they sit around like it's rocket science and wonder why predominately black neighborhoods are cess pools of crime and poverty. Seems they can't put 2 and 2 together that all of these neighborhoods have been under democrat control for decades. But don't pay them no mind. Let them wallow in their cess pools of crime ad poverty. Experience is the best teacher and until they change they deserve nothing better.

  7. Well he has the credentials; he is a liar, he is underhanded, he has already been held in contempt of congress, and has many skeletons in the closet. Pretty impressive resume.

  8. Fast and furious
    race baiter

  9. Needs to be waterboarded for contempt of congress.

  10. who will be his VP Al IRS Sharpton.

  11. another kool-aid drinking idiot

  12. Why don't he and Obama just GO AWAY!

  13. none of the above issues will matter. They will line up to vote for him, just to make history of a real 100% black person winning the office! Just like with Obama...Nothing mattered all they saw was he was black.

  14. Please run for president-!i need a good laugh.


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