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Sunday, June 25, 2017

Bernie Sanders urges supporters to ‘act in unprecedented way’ to stop Republicans

Apparently not learning any lessons from a near-fatal attack by one of his supporters on Republican congressmen and staffers, Bernie Sanders is urging Democrats to fight the GOP by any means necessary.

During a Facebook live Q & A with fellow progressive crank Elizabeth Warren on Monday, Sanders told a supporter named “Mary” that liberals need to take “unprecedented” action to stop Republicans.

“We gotta stand up and fight back,” Sander said. “We have gotta be involved in the political process in a way that we have never been before because what is happening now in Washington is unprecedented.”

Pointing at the camera, Sanders said, “You have got to, Mary, act in an unprecedented way. Think big. Get involved in every way that you can.”

More here


  1. Sounds like a call to democrats that they are in crisis mode and will ask for extreme measures. Money doesn't seem to work so only one thing left to do. Folks, this is anarchy and while I was not there (but from what I have read) similar to Hitler's rise to attempt world domination. Silence the voices, take away guns and ammunition, religious persecution, and dumb/beat down the populace. Congress needs to address the rhetoric coming from the left and act on it. These senators/congressmen need to be censored for hate and vitriol; they are at least inciting discontent and fuel the widening divide.

  2. And he supports James Thomas Hodgkinson and the shooting of Republicans. Why do you think he didn't do a sincere distancing of himself from his supporter.

  3. Dishonest and deceptive article is dishonest and deceptive, and is distorting and skewing what Bernie is saying. He has vehemently condemned aggression and violence. Mr. Sanders is not talking about violence. To post this, and then at then end of the article to suggest it has something to do with violence is a lie.

    He is talking about getting involved in our democratic process, and getting involved in government.

    Start demanding better from our media!

    1. Bernie pays 13 percent in taxes and wants everyone else to pay 70 to 80. He promised FREE college but his wife was charging 30k a year for tuition at the college she was Dean (before getting fired for fraud) We don't know what he makes because he DID NOT release his 2015 or 2016 taxes. Your party conspired against him and he did NOTHING to fight back. The next day he ordered ALL democrats to vote for Crooked Hillary... He is a LIAR and openly supported the person who conspired against him and threatened our Democratic System... Yes he is acting reckless and knows exactly what will happen. Words matter, remember?

    2. People are getting involved and they are voting REPUBLICAN. The democrats are eating themselves.

  4. @12:44

    He absolutely did just that. He condemned the shooting and all violence. What is wrong with you people?

    1. Why don't you ask all of the LEFT that are RIOTING and destroying college campuses? Why is your party LOSING so many seats? Why did a Republican WIN over 3000 counties USA? Bernie is calling for violence and it is SAD.

  5. While he did condemn the violence after it happened a week ago Tuesday, four days before that, he told a Chicago Rally they needed to take Trump down. Some people will take that literally. Some of his followers are homicidal. Everyone has those kinds of followers, but more are coming from the Left now than the Right.

  6. He's on the elite's payroll of course he's going to fight...for them.

  7. Anonymous said...
    Dishonest and deceptive article is dishonest and deceptive, and is distorting and skewing what Bernie is saying. He has vehemently condemned aggression and violence. Mr. Sanders is not talking about violence. To post this, and then at then end of the article to suggest it has something to do with violence is a lie.

    He is talking about getting involved in our democratic process, and getting involved in government.

    Start demanding better from our media!

    June 21, 2017 at 12:54 PM

    Bernie Supporter^^.

  8. Anonymous said...

    He absolutely did just that. He condemned the shooting and all violence. What is wrong with you people?

    June 21, 2017 at 12:56 PM

    Same Bernie supporter^^.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    While he did condemn the violence after it happened a week ago Tuesday, four days before that, he told a Chicago Rally they needed to take Trump down. Some people will take that literally. Some of his followers are homicidal. Everyone has those kinds of followers, but more are coming from the Left now than the Right.

    June 21, 2017 at 1:02 PM

    It was FAKE!! He didn't really condemn the shooting. Wake up Dumb A$$es!

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Bernie pays 13 percent in taxes and wants everyone else to pay 70 to 80. He promised FREE college but his wife was charging 30k a year for tuition at the college she was Dean (before getting fired for fraud) We don't know what he makes because he DID NOT release his 2015 or 2016 taxes. Your party conspired against him and he did NOTHING to fight back. The next day he ordered ALL democrats to vote for Crooked Hillary... He is a LIAR and openly supported the person who conspired against him and threatened our Democratic System... Yes he is acting reckless and knows exactly what will happen. Words matter, remember?

    June 21, 2017 at 1:55 PM

    He is a walking Mental Illness and what's funny is his supporters have a Mental Illness as well.

  11. 12:56

    Sanders talks out of both sides of mouth just like the rest of the dumbocrats and those that caucus with them.

    Say one thing when the spotlight is on and say and do completely different when the spotlight is off.

    Sanders is a liar just like Hillary, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer........I could go on and on.

    You vote dumbocrat and your voting for liars thieves and cheats for government

  12. Bernie is also elite.
    They are all members of the same masonic banking club.
    We are not free and our government does not care about any of us.
    The purpose of government is to fleece the public.
    It is mafia

  13. What exactly are they to fight against? Correct me if I'm wrong but hasn't everything they have accused Trump of, been proven false? They have lost the last 4 special elections. I watched one dem today finally admit that the problem is themselves.

    They think they must fight, (resist, persist, insist, enlist,-killary's words), to stop Trump from destroying this country while destroying it themselves?

    Now some of their members are assassinating members of Congress to protect this country? Protesting everything under the sun at a drop of a hat? Rainbow crosswalks?

    Seems to me if they truly wanted to help this nation, end the divisiveness, protect people's lives and rights, level playing field, etc., they would sit down debate the issues, offer alternative plans, if they have any, compromise, and all the other things they are SUPPOSED to be doing. Isn't that why they were elected and sent to DC in the first place? To do the will of the people they represent, and not their own will or their party's will?

    I know I must sound naive to some/most people but I am really getting sick and tired of all this nonsense. Do your job or go home.

    I think it is time to end the 'professional politicians' career choice. Term limits for every government employee to coincide with their level of power. The more power, the less time they can serve.

    Remember when farmers, shopkeepers and regular people would go to serve in office and return home to their farms and shops after a few years and let someone else do their time/duty?

    Someone once said an honest politician would not get rich serving their country. Why then, are so many, if not all, congressmen and the like millionaires?


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