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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

High School Assistant Principal Resigns After Cursing at Pro-Life Student Activists

The assistant principal of a Pennsylvania high school has resigned after a video of him berating pro-life student activists went viral.

Assistant principal Zach Ruff, who was filmed berating and cursing at 16-year-old pro-life activists, resigned the day after a petition defending Ruff circulated online with more than 50,000 signatures.

Ruff was placed on administrative leave on April 21 after the video of his interaction with the young activists went viral. “You can go to hell where they are too,” he said pointing at pictures of aborted children. “They’re not children! They’re cells!”

“Listen here, son, alright? I am as gay as the day is long, and twice as sunny. I don’t give a fuck what you think Jesus tells me about what I should and should not be doing,” Ruff barked.

“You’re acting very immaturely. I’m 16 and you’re yelling at me,” one of the teens responded.



  1. Not representative of who he is? The video shows exactly who he is. He just got caught. Good riddance. A big improvement for that school.

  2. What is a 16 year old protesting?? Like an infant protesting the absence of a bottle of milk.. Just doing what she has been taught to do.

  3. A new sheriff is in town his name is T R U M P.

    1. Have you watched the news recently? Your "sheriff" is screwing up so royally its doubtful he'll finish his term.

  4. 5:49 Nah that's just what the MSM is feeding you and you are lapping it up like a dog. 😂

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Have you watched the news recently? Your "sheriff" is screwing up so royally its doubtful he'll finish his term.

    May 18, 2017 at 5:49 AM

    Which news do you watch, CNN or the local CNN (wboc, wmdt, dail rag)?

  6. 5:49 you & I must not be watching the same news.???


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