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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Chelsea Manning released after 35-year sentence commuted

Chelsea Manning, the former Army intelligence analyst behind one of the largest classified information leaks in US history, was released from military prison early Wednesday morning, an Army spokeswoman said.

She was released from United States Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas around 3 a.m. ET, Lt. Col. Jennifer Johnson told CNN.

Amnesty International, which had campaigned for Manning's release, was quick to applaud the decision.

"While we celebrate her freedom, we will continue to call for an independent investigation into the potential human rights violations she exposed, and for protections to be put in place to ensure whistleblowers like Chelsea are never again subjected to such appalling treatment," a statement said.



  1. Better watch your back, deserter.

  2. Sometimes, defects need to be put down.

  3. Another example of how messed up we are. I'd say its getting nuts but it already is. So it is getting nutser! "I want sanity!!!"

  4. he will still die a male not a female traitor. Ill never address him as a her

  5. Joe, get a list of all the crap Obama pulled off his last few days and publish it for us. Be nice to know who all got commuted sentences, pardons, deals.

  6. Hello OBAMA AND HILLARY..... 35 years? ha, Obama will wear high heels in prison..

  7. This man is a traitor and Democrats treat him as a hero.

  8. Watch ur back Mr.

  9. It will die....

  10. Pardon me while I go puke!


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