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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

NOI 5/16/17 Wicomico Barn Fire Bethel Road


Date:   May 16, 2017
Time:  7:16 p.m.
Location / Address:  8020 Bethel Road, Willards, Wicomico Co.
Type of Incident:  Fire
Description of Structure / Property:  30’ x 600’ Barn
Owner / Occupants:  Phillip Lewis
Injuries or Deaths:  None
Estimated $ Loss: Structure:  $25,000                      Contents: $10,000
Smoke Alarm Status:  n/a
Fire Alarm / Sprinkler Status:  n/a
Arrests(s):  None
Primary Responding Fire Department: Willards
# of Alarms:  1     # Of Firefighters:  40
Time to Control:  2 hours
Discovered By:  Passerby
Area of Origin:  Under Investigation
Preliminary Cause:  Under Investigation.


  1. Why was it dispatched as a chicken house fire?

  2. Boy you should have heard those Hillbilly Farmin screaming the fire out. They were screaming at the top of their lungs that the fire simply got tired of hearing Hillbillies screaming and put itself out.

  3. 30x600 Barn fire? Most people would call that a chicken house. I actually drove while it was blazing and I can confirm that it was indeed a chicken house. Why can't they just write it like it actually is??


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