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Saturday, May 06, 2017

Cops 'De-Policing' in Light of Black Lives Matter

An unclassified FBI report disclosed Thursday on fatal shootings of police officers last year found that law enforcement was "de-policing" more often because social-justice movements like Black Lives Matter have become "the new norm."

"Departments — and individual officers — have increasingly made the decision to stop engaging in proactive policing," according to the document, reported by The Washington Times.

The report also said that the movements — beginning in 2014 with the death of Michael Brown by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri —"made it socially acceptable to challenge and discredit the actions of law enforcement.

"Nearly every police official interviewed," the study said, "agreed that for the first time, law enforcement not only felt that their national political leaders [publicly] stood against them, but also that the politicians' words and actions signified that disrespect to law enforcement was acceptable in the aftermath of the Brown shooting."



  1. ACLU mission accomplished

  2. This is Obama's stench

  3. Obamas sons are perfect, says libs

  4. Less proactive policing = more crime, more victims, greater cost to the public.

  5. As long as they're 'de-policing' in the BLM neighborhoods only - I'm OK with that.

    As Jim Kirk said "Let them die!"


  6. Welcome to the Jungle!!!!

  7. Don't forget, ALL of this anti-police racist crap came under the time period of Barrack Obama, Eric Holder and Liberal Democrat friends. Well there's a new sheriff in town named Donald Trump and anyone who thinks that this garbage will continue is mistaken. He's clear on his support of law enforcement and those who implement it. Change for the better, is in the wind for all Americans. As he said, "America First".

  8. Finally!
    The police got the message.
    Get out of our lives.
    We will call you when we need you.

    1. Dont bother, if you dont need them you should have no reason to call them.

    2. Don't bother calling.

    3. agree, unlike the bully Wicomico County Sheriff's department...who annoy and harass law abiding citizens...Hey Mike! Trump is going to fire you. good luck

  9. Don't even call. Deal with your own ghetto problems.


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