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Saturday, May 06, 2017

BOOM! Concealed Carrier STOPS A Massacre By CRAZED Bar Patron Armed To The TEETH!

This is something CNN and the rest of the liberal kooks don’t want you to know, because it screws with their gun control agenda. Yet, the truth of the matter is a concealed carry holder is being publicized as a hero by Arlington police for stopping a mass murder by taking the gunman head on at a sports bar Wednesday evening.

According to police spokesman Christopher Cook, the gunman entered the sports bar and killed the manager of Zona Caliente in the 6500 block of South Cooper Street. He was then confronted by a man having dinner with his wife and was shot and killed at around 6:15 pm.

Police later figured out that the attacker was 48 year-old James Jones of Grand Prairie and the victim as 37 year-old Cesar Perez of Duncanville. The hero who saved everyone’s lives was not identified.



  1. BOOM. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  2. Was Perez an illegal?

  3. I don't what I would do it that situation. Media is scary... I would probably run screaming.


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