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Saturday, May 06, 2017

Crisfield Principal Russum appointed to take principal spot at Washington High

WESTOVER — Somerset County Public Schools has announced that Chantal Russum, principal at Crisfield Academy and High School, will be transferred next school year to become principal of Washington Academy and High School.

Deputy Superintendent Tom Davis in an automated call May 5 advised that this is the only administrative change, and the Crisfield position “will be advertised immediately and filled as soon as possible.”

The school board hired Pamela Patterson to be principal of WAHS last summer, but three months after school started she resigned and Will Gray, a supervisor of secondary science who had been a vice principal at CAHS, was appointed as the interim principal.



  1. Disastrous schools, the failure of us to raise our children and hold parents accountable for their offspring.

  2. She looks like a hottie

  3. Good choice. She made Crisfield Academy into a much better school. Hopefully she will do the same for Washington High. We hate to see her go...

  4. I wish her the best but that place is nowhere I'd desire to be a principal. Chantel I hope u got a fat raise because you will earn it!!!

    Good luck

  5. She really turned CHS around. She will need the parents and staff to back her. This school has been out of control for a long time.


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