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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

University of Pennsylvania Alumni to Wear ‘Denounce Trump’ Buttons at Reunion

Alumni from the University of Pennsylvania are planning to protest one the school’s most notable graduates by wearing “Denounce Trump” buttons at their upcoming reunion.

“More than a dozen” graduates of the University of Pennsylvania class of 1967, from which President Trump graduated in 1968, will be wearing “Denounce Trump” buttons at their upcoming reunion, according to a story in The Daily Pennsylvania.

Over the next three days, more than a dozen attendees of the 1967 class reunion and graduation ceremony will wear buttons calling upon Penn to “Denounce Trump,” who graduated from Wharton in 1968.

Graduate Michael Sales, who created a Facebook group for the Class of 1967, started an initiative within the class to “disavow the intolerant views” of Trump.

“How do you not discuss the tangerine-headed elephant in the room?” Sales wrote.



  1. And here I thought smart people graduated from Penn.

  2. More than a dozen...poor, silly things.

  3. Liberalism is a mental disease.

  4. 12 out of a graduating class of something like 2000 students.

    This isn't news, it's propaganda.

  5. Oh look at me look at me -libs and MSM

  6. Just how damned UN-American can they get. They are definitely a bunch of LOSERS.

  7. Hopefuly the dirty dozen wont feel very safe. Time to WTFU snowflakes!! No more safe zones for you out here in the real world..

  8. Rumors of PLANS are not always based on facts. Just more smoke and mirrors of some fool trying to find a following to make himself look important.

  9. Scratch that college of the list.

  10. Take names and don't hire. There are many more hires from that class that refuse to participate in anti-American activities, I'm sure.

    Leave the idiots jobless stifled in student loans!

  11. “More than a dozen” graduates

    This is not even newsworthy!


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