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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

LGBT Protests of Chick-Fil-A at Duquesne University Garner National Attention

The ongoing saga of LGBT protests of an upcoming Chick-fil-A restaurant on campus at Duquesne University, a Catholic college in Pittsburgh, has taken on biblical dimensions as a test-case of safe spaces and microaggressions in American higher education.

According to its mission statement, Duquesne University is “a Catholic university founded by members of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit,” dedicated to serving God while espousing a “profound concern for moral and spiritual values.” It also professes a commitment to “an ecumenical atmosphere open to diversity.”

For its part, Chick-fil-A CEO management has articulated a biblical understanding of marriage that exactly mirrors Catholic teaching, while also emphasizing that they do not discriminate in any way, and are more than happy to serve anyone who wishes to eat at their establishment.



  1. Mmmmm! Chick-fil-a day😛

  2. You have to be kidding. Didn't they know it was Catholic when they enrolled?

  3. Can't they just leave them alone? Why do the LGBTQ groups have to challenge everyone? I'm behind Chick-fil-a all the way.

  4. You have to be kidding. Didn't they know it was Catholic when they enrolled?

  5. LGBT is a freaking mental illness. These people need to be institutionalized in a padded cell.

  6. No such thing a gay christians. Dont fall for that BS

  7. Im really starting to understand sodom and gomorrah more and more everday

  8. How many letters are in the latest whack-ace acronym for strange, deviant, and continually offended cross-dressing sissies?
    God is in heaven looking down and shaking his head at people who can't stand the sight of a cross or the mention of His name, but are perfectly ok with satan clubs in high schools, killing fully formed babies , and welcoming people who believe in their very destruction
    Now, they are offended by a business that is merely owned by a Christian.
    Because they believe in diversity, inclusion, and free enterprise, right?
    These liberal goofs are unquestionably THE most bigoted, racist, misogynist, haters in the country.
    What's next for these weak and troubled losers? QUANTUM-aggressions? ("aggressions" so tiny and insignificant that they can't be seen or heard, but STILL hurts the feelings of the latest girlie boy)
    Maybe, if they had a job they wouldn't have so much time to be hurt or offended at every moment of every day and MAYBE they could stop broadcasting to the whole world who they like to have sex with....what IS it with that, anyway???
    Maybe. Maybe not....


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