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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Donald Trump Wants to Send Astronauts to Mars During His Presidency

President Donald Trump spoke with NASA astronauts aboard the International Space Station on Monday, as one of them, Peggy Whitson, set the U.S. record for most cumulative days in space.

During the conversation, Trump said he wanted to speed up the timetable of a NASA mission to Mars — suggesting he could get it done during his second term as president.

“Who’s ready to go to Mars up there?” he asked the astronauts who responded by raising their hands on camera.



  1. There's your money to build the wall. Just like all the money wasted to put a man on the moon. Still don't see anybody living there do you?

    1. How about watch it on YouTube to see what he actually said... sorry snowflake was I to aggressive? Do you need a hug?

  2. 9:55 on the contrary the competition and technological advances made by the people working on these program leads to that tech being used in our every day lives. So it's not a complete waste as you make it out to be. Putting a man on the moon was more of a display of power by our country as well. Had to beat the commies there remember?

  3. Send Hillary, Ellen Degenerate, Rosey O'dummy, Al Shitface, Nancy Palousey, Chuck Shoemer, all of those idiots! This will Make America Great!

  4. 10:55 is correct get allot of bang for the buck on a project like this. JOBS being number 1

  5. Instead of GIANT LEAPS FOR MANKIND, how bout a few tiny steps first...like updating the Affordable Care Act, tax rates and jobs.

    Why? Folks need jobs (economy) that puts food on the table (economy). Money that pays bills (again economy) which include health care (economy). Jobs, buying power and health care feeds what? THE ECONOMY!!

    The rest (wall, immigration, SPACE and maybe a 2nd TERM) will all fall in line with accomplishments that help at home. Not asking for a handout - just priorities that hell ALL.

  6. Mars, the Wall, Hillary's criminal trial, these things need to be done. De-fund Obama care bailouts and let it die.

  7. Mars is for candy bars ....quit waisting our money !!!


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