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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Donald Trump: ‘If They Don’t Treat Fairly, I Am Terminating NAFTA

President Donald Trump again leveled criticism about NAFTA in an interview with the Associated Press,promising to either renegotiate the trade deal or terminate it.

“I am going to either renegotiate it or I am going to terminate it,” he said. “If they don’t treat fairly, I am terminating NAFTA.”

Trump has not softened his campaign rhetoric about the North American Free Trade Act, accusing Mexico and more Canada for hurting the American economy.



  1. Good. Another CLINTON mess we have been stuck with.

  2. Perot was correct - that giant sucking sound of our jobs leaving the country and our trade balance falling off the cliff came to pass as he prophesied! Too bad the dumbocrats didn't have the sense to recognize the fact and fix it before it became too late to do easily!

  3. Republicans too 9 :29. They threatened perot

  4. Charity begins at home we have to look out for the US first.

  5. 9:20 NAFTA was negotiated under President George H. W. Bush and implemented under President Bill Clinton in 1994 after heated debate in Congress. Know some facts before you jump into something over your head. NAFTA actually increased manufacturing jobs in the 90's. Manufacturing jobs began to decline when China became part of the WTO in 2001 and have been free falling ever since.


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