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Sunday, April 02, 2017

Eastern Shore Littering Caught On Camera

Editor's note: This van in this picture was delivering the free newspapers.  They were suppose to get the paper in the driveway not the roadway.


  1. What a pig , I hope they catch them . Woods are full . I live off Old Sharptown road in Delaware and there are bags of household trash in a couple woods in plain view , people have no fear of getting caught or respect for other peoples property . They just stop and dump.

  2. I do not see anything in these pics, to say that vehicle through that out ?

  3. Go get 'em! There's no excuse for this.

  4. Now let's identify all of those people who leave dirty diapers in parking lots.

  5. And chicken bones!!

  6. 10:54 ABSOLUTELY!!!

  7. Must play for the Yankees with that arm.

  8. Couch next to Shorebirds back exit (the unpaved road)!

  9. What is the difference between these people throwing out trash papers you do not want and the people who throw out any other type of trash?

  10. The highways are full of trash. People can't wait to get home and place it in a trash container. Maybe we need to go back to returnable bottles and cans.

  11. It's still a clean neighborhood, compared to the Presidents Neighborhood, forgotten and almost all owned by slum lords and teenagers who just open food and drink everyday and just toss the leftovers in everyone's yards or streets,. Last nite one young black man and 3 small children cussing, and screaming" Washington Street whores" for about 3 blocks.

    1. You could put three trash cans on every block in some parts of town and the streets, sidewalks and yards would look the same except for the three cans, and only until they were stolen.

  12. Attention anonymous 11:41 AM. The Yankees you refer to have 27 world championships. How many does your team have.

  13. I couldn't stand it any longer and the county could care less. It literally took me a week and filled the back of my pickup truck but I took it upon myself to clean up my neighborhood roads. Now once or twice a week maybe 15 minutes I can clean up the debris. Its amazing how lazy and outright slobs people have become. Take some pride in the area where you, at least pick up the trash in your own yard

  14. You know, I am no saint but this peeves me off. I'm in my 70's and will not and have not thrown a thing out of my window. I can have a one inch piece of paper in my jacket pocket while riding in the country with no one around, but will hang onto it until I have a trash container to place it in. Even as a young man riding around drinking beer, yes back in the day. I would not toss a can or bottle out. A lot of thanks I get today, because they walk or ride by and throw fast food trash everywhere in my hood.

  15. @ 1:54 How many seasons did you play for the Yankees ? Oh none then stop taking credit loser.


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