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Sunday, April 02, 2017

NBC News: Hillary Clinton ‘Covered Up’ Pedophile Ring At State Department

An NBC news report claims that Hillary Clinton, while secretary of state, shut down an investigation into an elite pedophile ring in State Department ranks in order to avoid scandal and protect the careers of high ranking officials and an ambassador.

The NBC investigation was broadcast at a time when they were a real news organization rather than a branch of the Democratic Party’s PR department, and provided internal State Department memos to back up claims of a massive Hillary Clinton elite pedophile ring cover-up.

“Serious allegations concerning the State Department,” the NBC anchor announced, before launching into the disturbing details that mainstream media would be unable to report on in 2017.

“According to internal State Department memos the agency might have called off or intervened into investigations into possibly illegal, inappropriate behavior within it’s ranks allegedly to protect jobs and avoid scandals.

“This concerns a time when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state.”



  1. What more will we find out now that they are out of office? All kinds of secrets being uncovered.

  2. The truth needs to be revealed. Drain the swamp and expose the guilty. There is no excuse for covering up those who harm innocent children, no matter who they are or which party they belong to.

  3. Scandal follows Hillary wherever she goes.

  4. LOCK her up but trump has zero balls or Al Sharpton would already be also locked up.

    1. Your mad because clinton is being exposed yet again. 5 current investigations on clinton foundation. Clock is ticking.... al sharpton will never be locked up at least he is no longer high council to President. Btw Stop voting democrat.

    2. I am a Republican fool and i bet $1000 hillary will Never get locked up.

  5. I'm totally shocked that NBC new would actually report this since they have been covering for the whole Clinton crime family for years! I guess the evidence is so damning they had no choice?

  6. An investigation needs to be conducted on all the mainstream media outlets for their failure to investigate and report the news. This is definitely a massive coverup. The only reason this is being reported is because the NYC police department refuses to allow information from Anthony Weiners laptop to be swept under the rug. From what I have read, many copies were put on memory sticks just in case the laptop is wiped of all data by our wonder FBI and justice department. All I can say is, thank god there are some agencies out there that have honor and integrity!

  7. This should be all over Fox News.

  8. She was covering for Bill and his buddy. The one that had underage on an island / boat / planes that him and Bill utilized. We want to see this get followed up on, which I doubt will ever happen. Also who has a sudden departure from this world.

  9. If Hillary didn't have that trouser trout of a husband, she wouldn't have been in so much trouble for 30 years. But, then, if she didn't have Bill, she'd be a nobody, which, in essence, is what she really is.

  10. Hillary is used to covering up sex scandals for Bill. No surprise she is doing the same for the State department. She is crooked as they come. Glad she is not President. Trump let's look into this and drain the swamp.

  11. A former member of the Church of Satan stated to Rick Wiles on Tru News that Bill and Hillary used to be seen frequently at their meetings and Bill, along with other high ranking government members, as well as top leaders in the UK and other foreign countries would have sex parties with under age girls and boys. The information is out there, but the corporate and government controlled media refuses to report this. It would be the end of the establishment and downfall of nations.

  12. Massive Cover-Up!

  13. Bill was head of the child sex ring, he can't keep his zipper up around any female, from age 6 to 60.

  14. We all Knew that Hillary was Crooked, but she's also Dangerous too. If ever there was a time that she needs to be In Prison, it is right now. President Trump: I call on you to arrest and jail Hillary Immediately!


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