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Sunday, April 02, 2017

MD Senate gives final approval to fracking ban

Maryland’s Senate gave final approval Monday night to a permanent ban on hydraulic fracturing for natural gas, making the state the second in the nation with known gas reserves to ban the practice.

By a vote of 35 to 10, the Senate sent the bill banning “fracking,” as it’s commonly called, to Gov. Larry Hogan, who recently indicated he supports it. The House earlier had given its overwhelming approval to the same measure.

The bill’s passage makes Maryland the second state in the nation with proven natural gas reserves to ban fracking. New York banned it by executive order; Vermont has banned it by legislation, but lacks known gas reserves.

The vote all but ends a six-year debate about whether to permit fracking in western Maryland, which sits atop a gas-rich Marcellus Shale deposit that stretches from New York into North Carolina.



  1. Unfortunately, if you can't generate revenue from business growth, NEW TAXES are all that's left.

    Stupid Fools!

  2. Keep cheering you democratic idiots.. NO MORE JOBS! NO MORE JOBS. Keep it up you will be sorry.

  3. 5:43 - you are the stupid fool.
    destroying the environment isn't going to generate revenue.
    no one will make a dime other than the utility.
    franking isn't business growth.
    try educating yourself before you speak.
    once the well is dug, that's it, no employees, no monitoring, nada, how is that generating revenue?
    they give you pennies on the dollar for your property and keep all the big money for themselves, how is that generating revenue?
    you obviously know nothing.

  4. What side are these idiots on?

  5. Shows your intelligence. You can reduce costs in ALLLLL kinds of ways. Plus, our current problems have nothing to do with fracking or no fracking. Crawl back under your rock.

  6. 6:31
    And you are well read in the subject?
    Sounds to me you don't know so fracking much.

  7. 6:31

    Once the well is dug, cheap affordable energy is available to heat homes and cook food.
    What kind of stupid fool are you that wants people starving and cold in the dark for nothing?

  8. 6:31 You are so Correct in your statements!

  9. Stop lying 6:31. Either that or you are an ignoramus. Fracking creates a massive amount of jobs-A MASSIVE AMOUNT OF JOBS and that is a fact whether you choose to keep on lying about it or denying it. It's a fact so take your rank lying arse elsewhere to tell your lies. That's the problem with you anti frackers-you LIE constantly.
    Now take this fact and suck on it for awhile, you sickening Liar between 2005 and 2012, fracking added about 725,000 jobs nationwide.
    For you to state that fracking isn't business growth is just an out and out lie and if you had one ounce of decency in your rank lying body you would be ashamed of yourself. We get you have an agenda but lying is uncalled for and only proves what filth you are and what a piss poor job your parents did.

  10. Fracking is the safest and cleanest way to extract gas.

  11. Good! Only someone who doesn't understand the disastrous impacts of fracking in other areas like Oklahoma would support it.

  12. Not going to bring any jobs to this sorry county either way.


  13. Poor decision, and that's an understatement.

  14. More voting without individually researching the topic. Same lather, rinse, repeat mentality in the legislature.


  15. Tree hugging at its finest. Moronic decision but a typical of Maryland. Sadly, think Sanctuary State

  16. Yeah, like that is what they were elected to do, to deprive Marylanders of their natural resources. Way to go Baltimore. What idiots. How much longer will it take for them to totally destroy the state?


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