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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Sessions: DoJ Has Sent a Letter to 10 ‘Sanctuary Cities’ in Possible Violation of Immigration Law

Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions revealed he sent a letter to 10 cities functioning as so-called “sanctuary cities,” which may be in violation of federal law.

Sessions warned a failure to respond to those letters could result in those cities losing their federal funding.

“Last year, the Obama administration sent out notices that people had to comply with this cooperative language in the law that was passed several years ago,” Sessions explained. “And we sent out a letter today to 10 cities that the Inspector General’s office last year said were potentially in violation of the law involving deportation in sanctuary cities. We expect them to respond. If they don’t respond, they should not receive the grants because the grants were issued on condition of cooperation.”



  1. Good - cut them off of they don't respond or fail to comply!

  2. Lock Up all the LAWBREAKERS !!! Get em Sessions !!!!

  3. States forget the CIVIL WAR !!! Re Learn some History

    States Don't tell the Federal Government what they are going
    to do ........Period Who won the war then ??? Duggghhh

  4. NOOOO > Marajuana sales either ....Illegal

    Sessions Ain't hav'in it !!!!!!!!!!!.............


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