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Sunday, April 16, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Salisbury Police Department taking a break

I saw this Salisbury Police vehicle parked way back in a cul-de-sac off of Creekbed Circle in the unfinished portion of the Village of Aydelotte yesterday (April 9th) around 5:00pm for about a half hour (possibly longer, but I only witnessed him leave and was not present when he arrived). Unfortunately, I was unable to get a vehicle number or ID and I'm not certain if the officer was napping, doing paperwork or what, but in any circumstance this is a very obscure place to be parked. With the problems Salisbury has been facing with crime, there are much better places for an officer to be parked for what ever reason that would at least provide a police presence. I'm fairly certain that not much in terms of crime has taken place on an abandoned cul-de-sace in an abandoned development.


  1. Maybe it was his break and he wasn't hungry so he napped instead.

  2. He sure looks busy, using my tax dollars.

  3. Does anyone know if SPD has their vehicles lo-jacked or GPS enabled? If so then it would be easy to find out by looking at the logs of vehicle locations.

  4. Maybe a lunch break

  5. It's a hangout for teen drinking and drugging back there.

  6. So he might have been on surveilane

    1. LOL in a Marked car lol.

    2. He she is making up a New pizza dough special for the spd chef these things take quite.

  7. How dare you question these BLUE LIVES!!! BLUE LIVES MATTER!!!! You must be a welfare queen!!! Go pick up that obummercare!!!! BLUE LIVES MATTER!!!! #MAGA

    1. No blue egos matter thats it

  8. Talking to his girlfriend on his cell.

  9. For all you worry warts here, maybe he was doing paper work before going off his shift. If you're not a cop get off your high horse. If you're a tax payer be thankful he chose this thankless career. Sit down and shut up.

  10. No crime happened while he was there did it ? So there.

  11. Blue live matter; that is true, but some are downright lazy and give the rest a bad name.

  12. I listen to the online scanner. IMO there is very little time that their whereabouts are not accounted for. They are quite busy dealing with idiots whining about fighting with their spouses and their boyfriends not giving them their cell phones back.

    I suggest you listen now and again to see just how thankless this job is and the outrageous amount of BS calls they have to deal with..

  13. I love how all of these bloggers have comments for not even knowing what the cop was doing. When you work, are you working 24/7? Do you take breaks? Keep your comments to yourselves unless you know the truth. The giant leaps you're taking make you sound really stupid.

  14. No harm in stopping to eat in the shade, after all its a straight shift with no scheduled breaks. The cars are equipped with mobile terminals, so report writing isn't out of the question. They are radio equipped, so he can respond to a call for service. At least he's not sitting in the station, or worse yet a restaurant...

  15. Somebody needs to mind their own BUSINESS!!!

  16. People do go to places like this to shoot up. If he has paperwork to do and a car comes down that road, there's probably good reason to respond and investigate the reason.


  17. Delivering a pizza to a yet to be built house?

    Cops have a tough job at times, but lots of boring moments, too. Writing reports nearer the front of the subdivision would look a lot less questionable than being at the very, very far back.

  18. This didn't happen totally taken out of context of actual event. CNN much.

  19. Rebel Without a Clue said...
    Does anyone know if SPD has their vehicles lo-jacked or GPS enabled? If so then it would be easy to find out by looking at the logs of vehicle locations.

    April 11, 2017 at 12:21 PM

    The Salisbury Fire Department does. Ask Bill Gordy.

  20. Anonymous said...
    For all you worry warts here, maybe he was doing paper work before going off his shift. If you're not a cop get off your high horse. If you're a tax payer be thankful he chose this thankless career. Sit down and shut up.

    April 11, 2017 at 1:56 PM

    Then he should be at Headquarters doing his paper work.

    1. the office is your car rule 101.not that you would no that considering you came up with this ridiculous picture. I can't image the time you have to do this! Probably same person with the fake expired tag pic and the fake handicap pic. All the same fake info to hate on law and order. Syria is taking in people I'll buy the ticket for you :).

  21. Why be at headquarters doing paperwork on the edge of the city when the officer can be on the street.

  22. Perhaps he/she wanted to eat his/her dinner in peace without being interrupted by some a_ _ hole from the public bothering him/her for some ridiculous reason.

  23. U do know officer work a 12 hour shift and a scheduled for a 1 hour brake. That they rairly get to take due to how busy spd is. So maybe he /she found a safe quiet spot to sit for a few mins, grab a bite to eat, type some paperwork,who knows but being there is prob also closer to their beat then going back to the PD so by going there their response time will be less.

  24. To Anon April 11, 2017 at 12:33 PM:

    No, it is not a hang out for teen drinking and drugging. I can see that culdesac from my home and I have NEVER seen any activity back there. Try again...

    To Anon April 11, 2017 at 1:56 PM:
    Sure, maybe he is doing paperwork, but why hide back there to do it? Part of policing is based on presence. Got paperwork to do? Then do it parked near a major thoroughfare or in a busy parking lot so that people can SEE you. That way the officer can get his paperwork done while also providing a police presence.

    For all of those saying mind your business or it's a thankless job:
    I respect police completely and I do appreciate what they do; however, I am a taxpayer and if I see something that doesn't look right then I will say something because they are not only doing it on my dime, but also at the expense of safety. Sitting back in an undeveloped culdesac on the extreme edge of the city limits where a crime hasn't occurred EVER is simply the wrong place to be for whatever reason. There are better places for that officer to do whatever he or she was doing at that time - bottomline, end of story.

  25. 8:51 you are a worry wart

  26. I can't express much knowledge of a police officer's life. However, I do know that police is very hated in todays society, especially in Salisbury. With that being said, yes police presence is always nice to see in any particular area, but how do you know what this officer was doing? Why assume so much about something you know so little about? I can tell you, if I was an officer and I was focused on writing a report, I would damn sure not be worried about "police presence". Any village idiot in Salisbury would not think twice about attacking a patrol vehicle from behind. I wouldn't be sitting stationary in a MARKED POLICE vehicle, without 100% of my attention on what is around me.

  27. For those making positive comments...thank you.

    For those making negative comments...it's sad that you got cut or didn't have the guts to become a police officer. How about knocking off the pizza crap and get back to complaining about something important to you,that President Donald J. Trump doesn't have a dog.

    Disclosure: I am not in law enforcement nor do I personally know any, I just respect them. Thanking all for their service.

  28. Well it is sad to say I see SPD cops sleeping on the job way more than any other department. I think they work 12 hour shifts. That is the dumbest schedule there is. It is just to long of a day. The shift has been dropped by many agencies because of court and other o.t. issues. The officers just do not get enough sleep. If a cop is sleeping in a marked car they need to be charged.

  29. 10:24
    You are not the sharpest pencil in the cup. You run on about how awful it is to have that shift and say charge someone for sleeping while being worked to death. How about waking the person up for their own safety. So if you fall asleep in church, you can't be charged, so maybe somebody behind you should cup you all up on the head.

  30. Exactly what else should the officer have been doing? Exactly what?
    Who the phuck are you to suggest what the officer should have been dong? Do you carry a badge and gun? Have you been to the academy? Have you ever confronted a dangerous criminal? STFU and do something constructive.

  31. I see things like this all of the time. Several different spots come to mind. I figure that there has to be at least 5 minutes in a day where you have some down time so I didn't think twice about it.

  32. Update on this story. I live just on the other side of the woods from this development and a couple days later the MSP helicopter was hovering just over the trees in that same spot. I thought he was going to blow them over! They may be watching for something.


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