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Sunday, April 16, 2017

Salisbury City Council, Legislative Session, April 10, 2017

Councilwoman Jackson's apology starts at about 11 minutes.


  1. Funny seeing her Sistas walking bye and shouting while the croc tears flowed.

  2. She needs to resign or be Recalled.

  3. Cry me a fake river.

  4. OMG No apology for our President she needs to resign or not be re-elected

  5. What a complete Idiot where was her syria outrage the last 6 yrs with her boy Obama ? crickets but now she is upset lolol typical baiter resign woman you look like a tool.

  6. No thank you. Didn't watch it live and won't waste my time now. I can imagine what happened glancing over the comments.

  7. Well, Well, Well! There's a half of an "apology"! What about the other half for insulting YOUR President??? Half an apology is as good as none, so you should get out of politics altogether since you have not the decorum required for the job.

  8. Who was that thug insulting our county councilman? Last time I checked the county council and the city council were entirely two entities? What did a so called post in 2015 have to do with what this traitor on the Salisbury City Council said. Trying to make it look alright for her comments. She needs to resign immediately.

    Instead of defending her they should have asked her to resign so they could put someone more credible in her place.

    Whether she likes it or not Donald Trump is her President and she took an oath of office which she needs to abide by.

  9. Obama Crooked BastardoApril 11, 2017 at 5:38 PM

    Fire this Welfare Scum April Jackson! How in the hell can she have any function in local government making decisions about Taxpayers Funds, while she can't even manage her own bills?

  10. Jackson's apology reveals that she really doesn't comprehend what she did wrong.

  11. She needs to be recalled and recycled.

  12. If Bishop Eure was in my corner, I would look for a new corner.

  13. "Taken out of context"

    How so? She clearly meant everything she said about the President. It was a clear statement, and there was no 'context' to consider.

    She's just unhappy that she's in trouble for it, and her 'apology' is only for referring to the Holly Center residents as 'retarded'.

    She should repent and sincerely apologize to the President, who she defamed and insulted, or she should resign.

  14. I did not hear an apology. The only thing she regrets is being called out for her hateful comments. And news about Syria influencing her is BS.

  15. She is not the only govt employee who cannot balance a checkbook of her own. There are several county and city department heads who walk the same path as she does when it come to finance oversight.

  16. So basically she apologized to the intellectually challenged because associating President Trump with them actually insults them. Interesting non-apology.

  17. Magical Molly is thrilled with April Jackson right now. She'd rather see April's tears and lame apology at the top than her own cross-eyed clown face staring at the readers day after day. Actually, we all thank you, April. (All in good fun. Don't take this "out of context.")

  18. that comment she posted was reposted/shared in it's entirety, it was not "taken out of context" . i turned off the "apology" as soon as she said those words. yuck

  19. April, your "apology" was blatant bs. Everyone could see thru it. You are only sorry because of the backlash. But God knows your true heart. That's something Bishop Eure should have taught you.
    Truth of the matter is you are only sorry because you don't want to lose that $800.00/month. You know it, I know it, and so does everyone else. I'm sure it's difficult "raising" those little gangsta children and grandchildren you spoke about but you really should step down. It's the right thing to do.
    BTW: those tears were fake af.

  20. okay maybe I am confused..you stated your rant was over our missile launch against Syria..Let me process this for a moment you are against YOUR COUNTRY AND YOUR PRESIDENT for sending missiles against an airfield that delivered chemical weapons against men women and children that were murdered??? I am confused what do you really believe in when the majority of your democrat party supported POTUS..I'm confused..maybe you should get your facts straight before you react..

  21. I would like to know just who "y'alls" are. By reading some of her Facebook threads, I could probably guess correctly.

  22. Where was Councilman Ireton Mon. evening?

    1. In a trarnsgender bathroom at Target.

  23. She is the one who is intellectually disabled.

  24. Anonymous said...
    In a trarnsgender bathroom at Target.

    April 12, 2017 at 7:25 AM



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