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Sunday, April 16, 2017

MD councilwoman defends calling Trump ‘retarded’ — then issues sobbing apology

A Maryland councilwoman gave a sobbing apology at a meeting Monday after she disparaged residents of a local mental health facility in a Facebook post aimed at President Trump — but that was only after she originally defended it.

Grammatically challenged Salisbury City Councilwoman April Jackson ignited a public backlash last Thursday when took to Facebook to malign the 45th President of the United States.

“Ya’alls President is RETARDED … He’s far pass the Holly Center,” Jackson wrote, referring to the local mental health facility where she once worked, The Salisbury Independent reports.

Jackson, elected in 2015, deleted the Facebook post last week and eventually replaced it with an apology, but the damage was done and more than 200 people signed on to a petition on Change.org calling for her resignation.

“Maybe I was wrong for using the Holly Center to say something about (President Trump), but I stand by what I said about him,” Jackson said.

Local leaders also took to Facebook to condemn her comments.

“When I read the comment I was both angry and disgusted,” Salisbury City Council President Jack Heath wrote, according to WBOC. “I firmly believe that Councilwoman Jackson owes an apology to these individuals and their families.”

Heath wrote that it was Jackson’s use of the word “retarded” that was the most offensive.

“I wasn’t angered by topic but by the insensitive use of a term which is both insulting and degrading to the thousands of individuals with developmental disabilities, their families and an organization that has faithfully served this group for many years.."

More here


  1. Her apology is worthless - she said so as she defended her actions before apologizing!

    You're wasting oxygen that could be used for human beings!

  2. If April is a true women of God, she would never apologize in one sentence for her words about the developmentally challenged in the first place and then in second place turn around and state she HATES President Trump. I suggest she go back to the bible and see what Jesus has to say about hate.

  3. So in summary, she's sorry she got caught invoking the words "Holly Center", "Trump" and the "R word" in the same sentence.

    But she's okay with calling President Trump the "R" word.

    Her lack of understanding the subject matter goes very deep.

  4. She claims to be a Christian woman, so what religion / cult is she a member of? The Christian churches I know does not condemn and criticize people they try and assist them to see a different point of view in a lovable way. She must be or portrays the Muslim way of criticize and condemn. That is why I question her comment of being a Christian. I will make sure I stay away from her church of the devil.

  5. Mean spirited person...out she goes.

  6. She thought that she was being clever with that post. And then she thought that she was being clever with the apology. Two strikes, no balls.

  7. She is so clever she achieved her college degree in one year. She also excells in Da Bury's youth leadership!

  8. Definitely not a Christian but Salisbury is full of these type of so called believers

  9. Another public figure with NO RESPECT for the Office of The President of the United States....she has to GO!!!! Society sees enough of NO RESPECT for anyone....RESIGN or do a recall.

  10. But no demand for her resignation or firing...hum, if she were white and called Obama a retard....

  11. She wouldn't have called him that if she didn't think that she had a willing audience. I think that some of them showed up at that meeting.

  12. And the story has now gone national..

    What a great reflection on Salisbury and Wicomico County.

    Nice job, April. Just keep smarting off.

  13. Just do the right thing April, RESIGN. You are not wanted at any more city council meetings nor do we want to hear anything that might come out of your mouth.

  14. Here is the link to petition, please sign to have April Jackson resign. https://www.change.org/p/salisbury-city-council-salisbury-councilwoman-should-resign-over-inappropriate-facebook-status

  15. Why do people elect such uneducated and ignorant people to be over them?

    She needs to go back to school and learn something

  16. All it takes in her district is a big mouth and stand up to white people. It's been the same 'ol same for 30 years starting off with von siggers

  17. April, you want people to get over this? Then resign and accept that you did this to yourself and we as citizens of the city you represent DO NOT, WILL NOT, AND CANNOT accept anything other than your resignation over this. Words have consequences, even to liberals like you. If this had been anyone else you would be demanding the same thing of them and you know it. So maybe for once your lying "Christian" life, do the right and honorable thing and go away. Take time to go to church and really be a true Christian in action not just words. You have a lot of soul searching to do after this. So take the time and do what you need to repair your reputation, and relationship with Jesus because both are damaged badly, but only after you RESIGN.


  18. She was little known except in her specially created district before this. Now many have a concrete idea of her abilities and views, and it's not favorable. She should resign.

  19. She is racist. If anyone made comments about a black leader there would be a demand for resignation. He is the president and deserves respect just like she does in her position. Otherwise unless she has a full apology she needs to resign. Sad she epitomizes the city of Salisbury. So Sad !

  20. I hope President Trump sues her too

  21. After reading the rest of her posts I was even more offended and that had nothing to do with this one issue.

  22. She tries to have a kind personality to cover up the hatred and evil that goes down to her cold soul.

  23. Funny thing is...when I talked to her on Saturday morning she was truly puzzled as to what she had done that was wrong. I think that maybe April Jackson is the one who may be mentally challenged!

  24. Someone has started another petition in SUPPORT of April Jackson. I think there are currently 5 signatures 😏

  25. " A leopard can't change its spots - Bloomsbury Inter .. A person cannot change who they are (their character), no matter how hard they try. This idiom comes from the Old Testament (Jer. 13:23).

  26. Grammatically challenged Salisbury City Councilwoman April Jackson


  27. "“As a woman of God and as a leader"

    She is neither, but I would submit that she is a liar.

  28. Kim Spotts, who has a child with Down syndrome, called on the community to end the petition to remove Jackson because “everybody misspeaks,” the Independent reports.

    Kim Spotts must be a liberal idiot herself. Since it was about Trump it must be Ok. If it was a white person bashing Obama and using retarded I bet she would feel different. Way to defend and honor your "retarded" child you dumb moron!

  29. the reason april was crying was because her lucky lottery number was off by 1

  30. Where's her James Brown wig?

  31. This is where Jack Heath FAILED as a leader in not having her removed.


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