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Monday, March 06, 2017

Zuma wants land owned by white 'occupiers' to be taken

South African president Jacob Zuma has called on lawmakers to help seize white-owned land without compensation - to establish 'pre-colonial' patterns.

But he has been warned that the measure would trigger a racial war in a country historically blighted by racial tensions.

Speaking to parliament, he called for unity between black parties. The controversial move would require a change to the constitution.

Zuma's comments echo those of his rival Julius Malema, who said earlier this week: 'So, we are saying black people, all of us must unite so that we can change the constitution so that we can expropriate land without compensation.

'There is no white man that will understand it.'

Zuma told the Council of Traditional Leaders: 'The black parties should unite on this issue. We cannot fight about nothing.'

Despite his ANC party having voted down a motion by the opposition EFF, headed by Malema, calling for land expropriation without compensation, Zuma spoke about his great-grandfathers, whose land had been confiscated.

He said: 'It is now time for action. The time for talking, writing and analysis is over.'



  1. Rhodesia all over again. It was simply a matter of time.

  2. IN South Africa they killed the white farmers and took their land and then they started starving.


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