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Monday, March 06, 2017

Tancredo on Sessions Flap: Democrats' Ferocious Malevolence Matched by Congressional Republicans' Cowardice

This week we are reminded of that old political axiom– “I can handle my enemies, but please, God, protect me from my friends.”

A handful of Republicans in Congress joined the concerted attack by Democrat leaders in criticizing Attorney General Jeff Sessions for not answering a question that was never asked in his confirmation hearing.

As part of his confirmation hearing in a Senate committee, Sessions was asked by Sen. Al Franken about meetings with “foreigners” while serving as a surrogate for candidate Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign. Sessions replied that he had no such meetings while assisting the Trump campaign.


1 comment:

  1. Sad to say, he is correct.

    Just like when the Republicans won their big chance with the Contract with America and squandered it by being so apologetic and withering in the face of democrat pressure, they're about to make the exact same mistake.

    WE WON THE ELECTION. There is NO reason to approach the democrats with hat in hand. The mandate is clear, and unfortunately, they won't like it, but the people have spoken.

    All but a very small handful of counties in the US said TRUMP is the man.

    Now let's take off our pussy hats and get to work.


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