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Monday, March 06, 2017

Loretta Lynch: Need more ‘marching, blood, death on streets’

Senate Dems post her impassioned plea on Facebook page as 'words of inspiration'

The Obama administration’s former Attorney General Loretta Lynch has made an impassioned video plea for more marching, blood and death on the streets – a video that was later posted on the Facebook page of Senate Democrats as “words of inspiration.”

The video is less than a minute long and begins by stating that people are experiencing “great fear and uncertainty,” with the unstated implication it is due to Donald Trump’s takeover of the White House.



  1. Promoting unrest over rights that are not under attack and fear where no fear should exist are the hallmarks of the Post-Obama Democrats. This is all bad theater, not reality.

  2. I find this to be one of the most troubling things I've heard from the Democrats after the election. Worse than just being sore losers. I would call it sedition. She should be tried in a court of law.

  3. I consider myself a right wing radical or close to that . I welcome any and all left wing extremist . Don't come to this fight with knife , you will lose .

    1. 647 your a troll probably getting paid to post on various sights. Everything is going to be ok and the core of America knows it. Everyday you post ridiculous FAKE comments you inspire more Trump voters because we are about peace and everyone getting along. Your a failure but you can change today. Post a positive comment and be nice to someone starting now. Thank you and have a good day.

  4. Notice how it's Obama and friends who are inciting protesters to riot? But you don't see any of them out on the streets. They are getting the little people below them to do their dirty work.

  5. Nothing more than Race Baiting, you don't see this in the Trump Administration......

  6. No wonder so many blacks are so violent. This Lying Lynch skank is more proof you can take they out of the ghetto but you can never ever take the violent ghetto nature out of them. Uncivilized to the very core of their beings. Disgusting.

  7. Dear 7:47

    I'm positive that this will engage in civil war , I'm positive that we will win , now that's a positive statement. What say you my little follower of obama.


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