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Monday, March 06, 2017

White House Demands Congressional Probe Whether Obama Ordered Wiretaps

With Trump so far providing no follow up comments to his dramatic accusation from Saturday morning that Obama bugged the Trump Tower in October 2016, spending Saturday night at Mar-A-Lago where he had dinner with AG Jeff Sessions, he resumed the attack on Sunday morning when he went after the Democratic National Committee and President Obama in a series of early morning tweets.

In his first tweet, the president questioned rhetorically whether the DNC refused to let the FBI have access to its servers (as FBI director Comey confirmed previously, the DNC did in fact do that) after it learned it had been hacked: "Is it true the DNC would not allow the FBI access to check server or other equipment after learning it was hacked?" Trump asked. "Can that be possible?"
Is it true the DNC would not allow the FBI access to check server or other equipment after learning it was hacked? Can that be possible?

He followed up with questions about President Barack Obama's own ties with Russia, referencing the infamous March 2012 "hot mic" video in which Obama told former Russian President Dmitri Medvedev he would have more "flexibility" after his re-election: "who was it that secretly said to Russian President, 'Tell Vladimir that after the election I'll have more flexibility?'" he tweeted.



  1. Some of you may not like what I have to say. But I am a logical thinking person who voted for Trump. He was the less of the two evils running for president and he impressed me with some of his ideas. Being that logical person something deep inside of me is telling me you made a mistake, hell we all made a mistake. I am more worried about China, Russia, and or Isis militants blowing our country up then I am worried about Trump accusing Obama of wire taping his tower. Wow did I just say his tower? yes we have a president that has a Tower of sorts...Our President needs to get down to what he promised us during his election and I half hardly believe that he could do just that if he would stop the petty tweets. Wow did I just say or President tweets? There I go again, weird.

  2. Wow. I can't believe a Trump voter is finally realizing what a mistake he is for this country. He is EVERYTHING that's wrong with this country. Maybe one of these days the rest of his voters will realize that, but it will be too late by then.

  3. 12:01

    With a Obama's history of wire tapping fox news and heads of state like Angela Merckel, using the IRS against political foes, having the justice department refuse congressional subpoenas, having the EPA use private email to conspire and collude with greenpeace, are you really thinking president Trump is not correct here?
    Have you seen the leaks coming out of the administration about transcripts of phone calls?
    Do you think it just a slight bit dangerous when a President (Obama) is using the force of government against an individual?
    Do you think it worth investigating?

    I do!

  4. Trump has done more in 45 days than obammy did in 8 years. He is doing, or at least trying to do, exactly what he said he would do. And one of those things is exposing obammy. As Clint Eastwood said, the greatest fraud perpetrated on the american people.

  5. 2:01. What's he done??

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    2:01. What's he done??

    March 6, 2017 at 6:48 PM

    The best thing he has done that I like is outing people like you. It's been all over the news what he has done, tried to and had to redo things he tried to do.

    I'm not taking your bait. You're either stupid or a troll or both.


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