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Monday, March 06, 2017

The Coming Great Wealth Transfer

In the past, I've warned about the coming Great Wealth Transfer. But now we need to talk about it in the present tense, because it’shere.

And it will only accelerate from here on out. The Rich will get richer at the expense of everybody else.

This isn't personal. It's simply a feature of what happens near the end of a debt-based monetary system run by corruptible humans.

Of course, those in charge don't think of themselves as corrupted or villainous. I'm sure that Federal Reserve Chairs Greenspan, Bernanke and Yellen all think of themselves as good and decent people doing "God's work". But the truth is they've irrevocably harmed millions -- if not billions -- of innocent people.


1 comment:

  1. Rich got super rich under Obama,so much for looking out for the working man.


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