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Monday, March 06, 2017

Mark Meadows: Congress Ill-Equipped To Help Trump’s Mandate

President Donald Trump has been leading America for some 45 days, and Democrats are hysterical in using every trick in their book to make governance impossible.

They have slow-walked nominations, systematically leaked damaging, classified information to friendly reporters , disrupted Republican town halls, “flynned” Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and threw a cultural fit because Hillary Clinton lost and they don’t want to give up power.

Republicans, with the largest Republican majorities in Congress since 1928, were expected to repeal Obamacare — exposing Obama’s malfeasances — re-limit the federal government and help Trump with his mandates. Instead, as some have labeled them, the Republican Congress is becoming a “Do-Nothing Congress” or the “Silence of the Lambs Congress,” unwilling or unable to help Trump govern the nation.

Demonstrating his own courage and independence, North Carolina Congressman Mark Meadows spoke to The Daily Caller News Foundation this week about the state of play between the White House and the Congress.



  1. Why are the Republicans acting like Democrats and not using the power they have and do what Harry Reid did and push trough t Trumps nominees and agenda. That tells me a lot about Do nothing Republicans. Trump is not only having to fight the Democrats but also the Republicans. This tells me who is the conservatives and who is there for themselves.

  2. The Republicans will lose their majorities if they don't back Trump and his agenda. This is out of the mouth of a Republican. They better take heed.

  3. Republicans just putting time in to get rich nothing more.

  4. Republicans led by that RINO POS PAul Ryan better get busy while they still have the power or this country is done.


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