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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Washington Post Reports Immigrants Are ‘Going Hungry’ Because of Trump

The Washington Post‘s Wonkblog reported Thursday that immigrants in the United States are increasingly going hungry because of President Donald Trump, while offering no evidence to show that is actually the case.

The Post‘s headline was unambiguous: "Immigrants are going hungry so Trump won't deport them." The premise of the story is that legal immigrants who receive federal food stamps are abandoning the SNAP program for fear that Trump might use it to locate and deport them.

The story is based largely on quotes from activists and SNAP officials who worry that is the case. But missing from the story are any statistics showing SNAP usage decreasing nationwide, or any statements from immigrants who had left the program.



  1. Post = Deplorable (Dem party's own word)
    Post = inflammatory
    Post = Daily Times

    Post is good with eating crabs!


  2. oh well. go back to your country then.

  3. I don't really care if a bunch of immigrants(illegal or not) go hungry. Glad they aren't sucking up our tax dollars through SNAP.

  4. GOOD!! Now go away! No one here wants you here, no one invited you, leave or go get a job, but do not go on public assistance!

  5. Even if legal immigrants were going off of food stamps, isn't that what the law originally required, that immigrants do not become a drain on citizens? Far more likely, it is just some of the illegal immigrants backing off on the government goodies.

    1. YES but Obama took All that away for welfare votes.

  6. Funny i see them buying shrimp crabs and steak every week with there EBT CARD.

  7. That is what convicts do in prison to get their way. These idiots can go back to their original country, but then they will not get free government money from hard working American workers. This is also against US law.

  8. what about the legal Americans and homeless that are going hungry? worry about what we already have and send them back.

  9. Their hunger is not my problem - them being here illegally is! If we can catch them this way - so be it!

  10. So what! My people came here in the early 1900's and the adults didn't eat for days so the children would have more. And if they don't like it then they can trot their sorry stinking arses back to where they came from.

  11. FEED our vets FIRST.

  12. If we looked hard enough there are people to be found who are somehow hungry because of the Washington Post.

  13. why is everything trumps problem with refugees when they were here before he was?

  14. So! When is it my "right" to pay to feed them. You know how the saying goes... F Them!

    Remember when Joe posted the story of the Bird Feeder?

  15. President Trump is NOT going to deport IMMIGRANTS, he is going to deport ILLEGALS. There is a difference. Immigrants came here LEGALLY. Illegals DID NOT. Illegals are criminals and WILL be sent back. We the people will see to it. This is our country and what we want will be done. Our President will see to it.


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