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Sunday, March 26, 2017

This antibiotic will ruin you

Hi there, we need to talk. I have almost written this post at least 20 times and got too overwhelmed and abandoned it. Well here goes…

The antibiotics you took or are taking for your sinus infection, UTI, skin infection, laser eye surgery…ect…may have already damaged you.

Cipro, Levaquin, Avalox, nearly every generic ending in “quin”, “oxacin,””ox,”…are all part of a large family of antibiotics called “Fluoroquinolones.” The FDA finally updated their warning on these antibiotics as of July 2016. They site “multiple system damage that may be irreversible. Permanent you guys. Here is the link for the warning if you are a doubting Thomas https://www.fda.gov/Drugs/DrugSafety/ucm500143.htm. Take a gander real quick if you are reading this with an eyebrow raised. Trust me, I wish I had been given the opportunity to soak up this information before it was too late.

In 2010, I took Cipro for a UTI and it changed my life forever. A round of antibiotics literally changed the path I was walking, into a path that I couldn’t even crawl on. Multiple spontaneous tendon and ligament ruptures, spinal degeneration, and arthritis that is widespread. We are talking multiple joint dislocations and surgeries to most of my large joints and spine. Twenty surgeries in the last 7 years if you wanna count. I said T W E N T Y.

This class of antibiotics were supposed to be only used as a last resort antibiotics, if all other options had failed. They never were supposed to be given for common infections. They damage the body so seriously because they actually damage the DNA mitochondrial repair cells. Those are the cells that are supposed to heal any damage to the body. In this case, it damages the cells that are supposed to repair damaged cells and tissue. So…you can only heal tissue to the integrity it was when it fell apart. Fantastic. You now have tissue paper tendons and ligaments. You are a human piñata at a party and life is whacking you left and right. Do you know what it feels like to hear and feel your shoulder pull apart like taffy, or your achilles pop and tear apart like an old rubber band? It gets even better. Flouroquinolones cross the blood brain barrier. This can result in psychiatric events, depression, and suicidal thoughts. I was incredibly fortunate not to have the psychiatric side of this.



  1. I took Cipro in approximately 2009 to 2010 and soon had terrible pains in my legs. Turns out the tendons and ligaments were detaching. About that time the FDA issued a "Black Box" warning about this very thing. If you don't catch it in time there is no cure! Be careful out there.

  2. That's interesting because when my doctor prescribed those 3 mention I felt terrible and had to change antibiotics.

  3. this is truly where you are your best advocate! Make sure you know what you are prescribed and currently taking along with interactions!

  4. I took Cipro for lyme disease. It is frequently prescribed for that.

    I could not finish it.

  5. Oh, ok. So we'll all stop taking life saving pharmaceuticals because one or two cupcakes can't tolerate them. Great plan.

  6. Luckily I got Amoxicillin for my sinus infection.

    Big pharma doesn't care and doctors get a kick back.
    Such a sad story.

  7. Two of these are on my allergy list that I give to doctors when I go due to the side effects I had when I started taking them. That is the problem with medicines now days. The side effects are damaging more than they are helping. Now we have problems with Prilosec and Nexium shutting down and damaging your kidneys. Both of which I have been taking for acid reflux. I am sorry but the side effects DO NOT outweigh the illness when your body is shutting down because of them. Where the h-ll is the FDA and what are they doing?????

  8. Who takes antibiotics for a uti?

  9. I was recently discharged by a local doctor for questioning and not complying with her treatment. She basically wanted to pass me around to several of her "coconspirators" repeating treatment that has already proven not to be effective.

  10. By UTI I assume that means a urinary tract infection. I have been given Cipro twice for that with no side effect but now I'm conserned if it happens again what I should be taking. Does anybody out there know something that is safe?

  11. 1:16 I take what the doctor prescribes,do you have a better solution?

  12. I am sure all the drugs we take are hurting our bodies just as all the horrible chemicals in foods are doing the same. I understand the cautious use of antibiotics. However, at times you will die without them. Moderation people - Moderation. The drug cartels, I mean companies, do need to be honest with people but we mess with these things someone will get burned. Its life.

  13. 7:38 I'm certain your base of medical acquired through high school and google is far superior to that of a trained MD. Those degrees ain't worth nothing.

  14. It's tough when you're allergic to the tamer stuff like amoxicillin and sulfa. I had a really bad experience with clindamycin for tooth problems. Just about nuked my GI tract.

  15. BAD STUFF... I started a 2nd round of Cipro (by a Physician's Assistant), by night I was in the emergency room, then spent 6 days in a hospital bed with tubes going in and out. Now on low-dose Prednisone forever.... Turns out the original problem was due to age, not infection.. Good joke on me.

  16. @10:25 I'm sure I know my body and the reaction I'm feeling from treatment than someone looking at an imaging report for 5 minutes only to diagnose the same series of injections and tests I had just undergone 6 weeks prior


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