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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Federal judge who blocked travel ban receiving threatening messages, FBI says

A Hawaii federal judge who ruled against President Donald Trump's revised travel ban has been the target of threatening messages, the FBI says.

US District Judge Derrick Watson's ruling last week resulted in a temporary restraining order nationwide -- hours before the revised travel ban was set to go into effect.

In the 43-page ruling, Watson concluded that the new executive order failed to pass legal muster, and the state had established "a strong likelihood of success" on their claims of religious discrimination.

Watson, who presides in Honolulu, has received threatening messages since the ruling. FBI spokeswoman Michele Ernst said the agency is aware of the situation and prepared to assist.



  1. He's an activist judge and deserves what ever happens to him.

  2. He, of all people, has no standing, as Hawaii has not accepted ONE refugee.

    How can he decide for all the USA?

    Let's make Hawaii the "Safe Camp" for ALL refugees! That keeps them out of the Mainland USA and on an island out in the Pacific, keeping the mainland safe from possible unveiled terrorists.

    Yeah, that's the ticket!

  3. GOOD! I hope he gets the JFK haircut! Let our President lead and quit blocking him!

    1. You "president" is a moron. Stay tuned, you'll see.

    2. 8:19 "You president" ? I think I know who the moron is 🤣

    3. Your x pres oscama has been spying on trump and obsructing him with his moles stay tuned for him being on a chain gang.

    4. "You're" right. I am a moron because I neglected to spell check my autocorrected post....but you still voted for Trump. Time will tell who's right and who's wrong.

    5. 11:21 Time will tell. At least I am giving him the same chance I gave Obama. You are not willing to do the same.

  4. how many, including him, are hawaiians and not japanese?

  5. Good! Hope it keeps him up at night.

  6. 819 explain how? Obamacare is in place and now my family's rates are going up 22 percent for a total of 105 percent in the pass 3 years. I will cancel it now. YOU WIN.The illegal immigration stays the same from countries were bombing YOU WIN. His tax plan that saves my family 150 to 260 a month will NEVER get passed so our taxes will go up. YOU WIN... Explain your hate comment snowflake?

    1. No one is defending Obamacare. Just pointing out that trump was full of sh1t during the campaign and he's still full of sh1t as president. You can't buy your way into the whitehouse by simply being in the position of being able to dole out unlimited campaign funds and then expect to keep hollow promises you made to win the election. Had he acted more maturely and assured the American people he would do his best to replace Obamacare within his first 12 months it might have been a realistic goal but within the first 100 days? Come on. Nothing in Washington moves that quickly. If he thinks that was a tough fight, wait until he starts on tax reform.

    2. He has been in office for what 65 days?? And the Democrats have fought him the whole way. So let me ask you what YOU think he can get done in 65 days? You have already declared him a failed president and he has been in office less than 100 days. What the hell did you call Obama after what he has accomplished (not) in his 8 years? I know: health insurance that no one can afford yet it is labeled the affordable care act 2) a nation more racially divided then ever 3) enough debt that generations from now will never pay off 4) illegal immigrants being given more benefits than our veterans ... should I go on?

    3. The Republicans disrespected Obama and his family for 8 years!! Why should the rules be different now? I guess the American people didn't want laws passed for the last 8 years? What about the banks and how they destroyed our economy with their predatory lending? By the way our nation has been divided for many years!!! Straight facts...

  7. Trump needs to let obamascare FAIL and watch polosi MELT like the witch she is.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "You're" right. I am a moron because I neglected to spell check my autocorrected post....but you still voted for Trump. Time will tell who's right and who's wrong.

    March 25, 2017 at 11:21 AM

    we have had 8 freaking years to tell us who was/is wrong. you diehards/blowhards will never learn.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    No one is defending Obamacare. Just pointing out that trump was full of sh1t during the campaign and he's still full of sh1t as president. You can't buy your way into the whitehouse by simply being in the position of being able to dole out unlimited campaign funds and then expect to keep hollow promises you made to win the election. Had he acted more maturely and assured the American people he would do his best to replace Obamacare within his first 12 months it might have been a realistic goal but within the first 100 days? Come on. Nothing in Washington moves that quickly. If he thinks that was a tough fight, wait until he starts on tax reform.

    March 25, 2017 at 11:19 AM

    You are just plain nuts. Trump used his own money for most of his campaign. I believe killary spent much more money, TAXPAYER MONEY, for her failed bid than Trump or anyone else spent.

    Hollow promises? Trump is actually KEEPING his promises and doing what he said he would do. And that is just freaking the hell out of demoncrats and people like you obviously.

    And if he had ANY demoncratic support he would have replaced obammycare. But he didn't get any support from those losers and now they totally own that failed healthcare crap that no one can afford to even use.

    But eventually those same dems will come begging with their hat in their hand trying to get rid of that fiasco they shoved down our throats that had to be passed before we knew what was in it. And does anyone still have their doctor or their plans?

    Man, educate yourself. You are an embarrassment.

  10. Why is this news. I't be news if he didn't receive threats.

  11. March 26, 2017 at 5:42 PM

    I really wish people could get to their point, if they have one, and stop wasting our time.


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