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Friday, March 03, 2017

THOUSANDS of illegal immigrants lurking on Virginia’s voter rolls

When Virginia Delegate Robert Marshall asked the state’s 133 local governments to provide numbers on non-citizens and jury pools, Loudoun County produced some hefty figures.

Between 2009 and 2014, the Washington, D.C., exurb of more than 350,000 residents had disqualified more than 9,000 of them for jury duty because they were not U.S. citizens.

Loudoun County jury pools come from two sources — voter registration lists and Department of Motor Vehicle driver’s license applications. The county’s 9,000 juror disqualifications means that a potentially significant number of non-citizens vote illegally in Virginia. It suggests a basis for President Trump’s assertion of illegal immigrants voting in November’s elections, though not necessarily by the “millions” he has claimed.

Virginia has become a political battleground state in each presidential election. It is now also a voter fraud battleground.

More here


  1. Has anyone checked MD voter rolls , since illegals can obtain MD license and are registered to vote at the same time?

  2. So, we have documentation showing where they live, the fact that they are on the rolls is a crime - so go get them and deport them before they can vote in another election. If they come back - make them help build the wall for five years in a chain gang - then send them to the other side!

  3. I believe the 'TrueTheVote' organization is wanting to do that, 9:34.

    Hopefully they will be able to. In blue states, getting access has been pretty difficult.

  4. There is part of the problem. They should not be able to get a drivers license if they are illegal. Democrats are destroying this country.

  5. Someone enforce the laws please


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