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Friday, March 03, 2017

Kathleen Biden divorce docs reveal SHE kicked out Hunter

Kathleen Biden is making shocking claims about her estranged husband Hunter in divorce documents filed in Washington, D.C. Superior Court.

In a motion that was submitted just last month, Kathleen accuses Hunter of 'dissipating hundreds of thousands of dollars of marital funds' by 'spending extravagantly on his own interests' in the year since the two made the decision to formally separate while asking the court to freeze his assets.

Kathleen goes on to claim that these interests include 'drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs and gifts for women with whom he had sexual relations.'

The motion later details another big purchase made by Hunter recently - a diamond.

'On or about February 17, 2017, Ms. Biden learned that Mr. Biden was in possession of a large diamond, on information and belief worth approximately $80,000,' states the motion.

'When Ms. Biden, through counsel, asked Mr. Biden to place the diamond in a safety deposit box accessible only to both parties together, Mr. Biden, through counsel, denied possession of the diamond.'

Hunter has now admitted to being in possession of the diamond according to the motion, which was filed just days before it was revealed that the son of former vice president Joe Biden was dating his brother Beau's widow Hallie.



  1. And Vp Biden gave the blessing for them to be together ? thanks dad u pos.

  2. WOW how could a so called father and x wife do that to there son.

  3. This isn't news, it's a curiosity piece.

  4. 9:51 that what all the news is now no truth to it whatsoever.

  5. This sounds like a Jerry Springer or Dr. Phil episode.

  6. Who CARES ??? about this Blue Blood family's problems !!!

    I am sure they are Very comfortable and wealthy !!!

    They are Done in politics ........so Long.....see ya !!!

  7. ALL in the Family !! A new show ??

  8. Just another democrat. Low to no morals.

  9. Like the Kardashians > it's the Bidens show !!!

    Who's friggi'n who ??

  10. Tabloid crap not worth a second look.

  11. Democrat! Morals has nothing to with it!!

  12. The slime keeps dripping off them......


  13. Truly disgusting!

    And where are the widow's brains? She knows he's a drug abuser and got thrown out of Navy Reserves for failed drug test after Slo Joe wangled him a commission as a resume enhancer.

    Sympathies to his real wife, and both sets of kids.

  14. Dysfunctional=Democrat


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