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Friday, March 03, 2017

FBI: Mexican drug cartels fueling US heroin epidemic

Mexican drug cartels are fueling the U.S. heroin epidemic, said FBI Director James Comey, who addressed residents and public safety officials in suburban Virginia.

Comey, who headlined community summit in Henrico County, said these cartels are continuing to saturate the country with waves of “highly, highly pure” heroin.

Comey was joined by Chuck Rosenberg, the acting administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Mexican cartels have cornered the heroin market in the U.S. with an increasingly low-cost and potent product, Comey said. He said traffickers have even sold their heroin at a loss in order to gain market share.

Instead of relying on production from South America, these cartels are ramping up production in Mexico, which cuts overhead costs.

The latest data from the DEA show dramatic increases in Mexican opium poppy cultivation.



  1. Now after 8 years, they openly admit why the democrats destroying this Country and its people, have fought so desperately to leave Our borders unprotected. It wasnt for the poor mexican people {tho more potential votes is a plus to them} it was for their business partners...the drug cartel. Democrats are the ones that have caused this deadly heroin epidemic, every one of them should be indited, thrown out of office all across this country and especially in MD Gen Assembly!!!

  2. Do you still think we should leave our border wide open?

  3. This is what legalization of Marijuana has done. No more money in weed so push herion.

    1. With the expansion of marijuana legalization, now we can move toward addressing the importation of a drug that actually kills people and turns those who live and use into dysfunctional zombies. This is not to say that recreational marijuana is a good thing for everyone, but heroin isn't for anyone.

  4. No surprises here. The poppy production south of the border has skyrocketed in the last decade. Easy grow, easy processing, easy money.

  5. This is old news for the ones of us that has been seeing the drug usage increase since the 1960's. This shows you how long the US has been covering tit up. Look at history.

  6. Let's start hanging heroin dealers. Inexpensive and they can't be repeat offenders.


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