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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Bill to limit discipline for young Md. students passes Senate

WASHINGTON — Legislation that would limit how often young students in Maryland are suspended and expelled from school advanced through the state Senate Wednesday, and now it appears it will likely pass through the General Assembly.

The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 32 to 15 — a veto-proof majority.

It would effectively prohibit the practice of suspending or expelling public school students in pre-K through second grade, with a handful of exceptions.

The House of Delegates passed similar legislation by a veto-proof margin, and will likely reach a compromise with the Senate for final approval.



  1. Attendance = Tax Dollars

    Forget about the normal kids trying to learn.

  2. I thought Obama left the office Why is this being passed to protect little future Thugs ?

  3. This is the same crap law Obama was pushing about not giving black students suspensions or expulsions. This just allows the rotten thugs to continue to harass the teachers, and disrupt the learning process for others. More PC Sh**!

  4. If there's thugs in kindergarten there's a problem

  5. As a teacher, this is disheartening. No accountability.

  6. These grades is where they learn a life lesson that carries them through the rest of school. If they are kicked out at this age, it's devastating to find out you are kicked out of your new friends circle and it affects them deeply. Deeply enough they may never do it again.

    But, give then a free pass early, and they will expect it for life.

    Freaking Idiocy.

  7. Actually it is usually the Black kids who get punished more harshly. The white saludictarian of my class put photography​ developing chemicals into another student's drink and it was hushed up and he wasn't punished. If a black kid did that the school would get police involved, and you guys would be on here raving that the "thug" needs to be tried as an adult for attempted murder.

    1. It's completely opposite now. Schools have to cool the numbers so it appears that minoritys aren't commuting as many crimes. White kids gets in a fight, police are called. Black kid gets in a fight, they try to hide it if they can.

  8. Anonymous said...
    This is the same crap law Obama was pushing about not giving black students suspensions or expulsions. This just allows the rotten thugs to continue to harass the teachers, and disrupt the learning process for others. More PC Sh**!

    March 24, 2017 at 6:16 PM

    Exactly!! I wish you Dumb Fks would quit voting for Democrats. I don't give a rats ass if it is your mother. No damn Democrats. Even if you vote for idiots like Jim Ireton in Podunk Salisbury look what happens. Small town elections leads to future Congressmen. Stop voting for Democrats!!

  9. Anonymous said...
    If there's thugs in kindergarten there's a problem

    March 24, 2017 at 7:08 PM

    There's a problem!

  10. The continued dumbing down of America.

  11. As a school administrator there are many kids in these age groups that get suspended. It is sad but true. These students disrupt so much crucial education to others. Laws need to be created that hold the parents responsible. This is why these young kids get suspended. Not taught properly at home.

  12. WTF is going on in Annapolis this year?!?!

  13. What these kids need to be successful is less accountability. Great idea!

  14. So kids will spend their first 3 or 4 years of schooling learning there is no repercussions for their behaviors. Also, kids who are not misbehaving at the beginning will see their classmates who are returned to class time and time again. Many of them will decide they may as well act up than do their work. And the parents of these kids will learn they have absolutely no accountability for their actions. This sounds like a wonderful plan!

  15. Stop doing anything to help any MD politician. If you see one with a disabled vehicle alongside the road, toot your horn, flip them the bird and keep driving. Wait a minute, that's what they do to us each day.

  16. Oh yea, lets not punish these little thugs in training.From pre-k to their 80s. Nasty attitude.

  17. Bull crap..I substituted in schools and the kids are animals..if your kid does something wrong they need to be punished..No exceptions.


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