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Monday, March 20, 2017

Planned Parenthood opponents sock it to Congress over funding

Activist groups across the country have launched a series of campaigns to demand that Congress not cave and allow funding for the biggest abortion provider in the United States to reappear in the Obamacare replacement bill.

Students for Life's president, Kristan Hawkins announced a "baby sock campaign" Thursday. Students and other anti-abortion activists plan to send Congress 323,999 baby socks, which is the number of abortions Planned Parenthood reported they performed in 2015.

Read the full story here >


  1. So, these people KNOW and are CELEBRATING that 324,000 babies are killed annually and STILL want to keep funding this mass murder?


  2. Planned Parenthood gets big money selling body parts for stem cell research. They wouldn't perform so many abortions if it wasn't so profitable. That's why they don't want mandatory ultrasounds before abortions. They know many women would change their minds if they saw the living baby inside them. It's all about money.

    1. Then again do we want more future welfare thugs to pay for ?????

  3. If you want you play U PAY.

  4. Baby mommas want to play with thugs let them pay for it.

  5. Great, lets defund planned parent hood to the people who need it so that we have more babies so that we create more users of the welfare system, Brilliant....more entitlements


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