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Monday, March 20, 2017

Trump seeks to build 30-foot-high wall at Mexican border

WASHINGTON —The Trump administration seeks to build a 30-foot-high border wall that is difficult to climb or cut through, according to a pair of contract notices posted to a government website.

The notices were made public late Friday by Customs and Border Protection, the Homeland Security Department agency that will oversee the project and eventually patrol and maintain the wall. The proposals are due to the government by March 29.

One of the CBP contract requests calls for a solid concrete wall, while the other asks for proposals for a see-through structure. Both require the wall to sunk at least six feet into the ground and include 25- and 50-foot automated gates for pedestrians and vehicles. The proposed wall must also be built in a such a way that it would take at least an hour to cut through it with a "sledgehammer, car jack, pick axe, chisel, battery operated impact tools, battery operated cutting tools, Oxy/acetylene torch or other similar hand-held tools."

The government will award a contract based on 30-foot-wide sample walls that are to be built in San Diego.



  1. We need 300 feet fences and all democrats deported.

  2. Im amazed every time....a politician that keeps his promises...oh wait..Trumps not a politician!

  3. The best border wall in my book is free. Stop the handouts. Take the bait off the hook. Make coming here illegally a burden, not a bonus. Fish don't bite on hook with no bait, and they certainly don't bite on anything that could harm them.

  4. How tall is it now?

  5. Amen! Please do! And it can't get done soon enough!

  6. with machine guns.....Hose' jumps the wall....brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  7. Build the wall and use my tax dollars to pay for it. I don't want my children watching sesame street or listening to classical music on NPR if it means that some construction company owner gets rich fleecing the taxpayers. Maybe Palmer Gillis can get in on the wall contract.

  8. 100 ft wide lake with aligators.

  9. A wall is stupid in some places, 20 billion dollars. Just go under or over it. I can think of more deserving things to spend that kind of money on.
    Mexico will NEVER pay for this, another broken Trump promise

  10. 2:08 Wow I didn't know you could see into the future🤥
    And I didn't realize you had inside information on our President and Mexico's President ! And do tell us Mr Troll just what you would spend the money on ? Let me guess...benefits to those less fortunate.
    Here's a suggestion. Stop trolling and get over it...YOU LOST! 😂


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