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Friday, March 03, 2017

Pelosi: Loretta Lynch Meeting With Bill Clinton Was ‘Serendipitous’

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) said Thursday there is no comparison between current Attorney General Jeff Sessions meeting twice with the Russian ambassador to the U.S. last year and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch meeting privately with Bill Clinton last year as the FBI investigated his wife's private email server.

Pelosi told reporters Thursday at a press conference that Sessions should resign for not disclosing his meetings with the Russian ambassador during his confirmation hearing to become attorney general.

Reporters asked Pelosi how the controversy surrounding the Sessions revelation compared to Lynch's private meeting with Bill Clinton on a plane as the FBI probed his wife's private server to see if she mishandled classified material.

Pelosi said the two situations are completely different, Townhall reported.



  1. OF COURSE they're different.

    One was ignored by the press, and one was not.

  2. Pelosi needs a brain scan - they'll need a colonoscopy to find it though!

  3. When DumbocRATs are caught there is always a double standard.

  4. Investigate ALL the Demon-crats DID Before Trump !!!

    If they Not Held accountable > then they cannot Hold
    Any of Trump's accountable then ..........

    They must let everybody else go ....just like Hillary / Obama .........

  5. I was thinking, Elijah Cummings only plays second-banana to Nancy Pelosi! I actually looked up the meaning of "serendipity" just to make sure that I understood it and I would like to share it with my fellow SBYNEWS readers. According to M-W.com, serendipity is "the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for; also: an instance of this" or "luck that takes the form of finding valuable or pleasant things that are not looked for".

    Well, I suppose that the chance happening that took place in Phoenix on the tarmac was just that, serendipitous. Nothing to see here folks, keep moving.

  6. Nothing that comes from this woman's mouth should be considered truth or good for anyone but her and her friends.

  7. Prosecute that damn Lynch !!! Also Bill Clinton ,Hillary,
    Obama...Cummings.....Shumer !!!!

  8. Media discarded it as a friendly meeting between friends and the media wants to be believed I don't think so.

  9. And What about Pelosi and her well known Lawbreaking , when
    she was Jetsetting All over the world, a few years ago,using
    Expensive Private Jets on the Taxpayer's Dime (all on TV news ) .........She should have been GONE along time ago !

  10. Using BIG words now are we ??

  11. The War just goes on and on ........Now the Dems are looking
    into (on their Witch hunt) VP having used a Private Server

    But they want you to forget about Hillary's !!!

  12. Now they say VP used Private E-mail and it was hacked !!!!

    Whooooooo !!! WHo cares........... Bring it

  13. How many Private Jets has Pelosi used lately ??

  14. Hard to believe these people ran our country for a while. The craziness makes me wonder if Nancy was affiliated with Jim and Tammy Faye back in the 80's.

    Good grief, someone...ANYONE yank that old bag off the stage!!!!

  15. Serendipity is defined as a happy accident. Lynch has already admitted, in retrospect, that it wasn't so happy an encounter, and, given the choice, she wouldn't think about doing it again.

    As for the chat being only about golf and children, most of us call the big BS on that over claimed assertion.


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