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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Federal workers may get pay raise

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump has made a point, on the campaign trail and in the White House, to say he wants to cut spending and limit the size of the federal government. But his administration still plans on giving federal employees a raise, according to The Washington Post.

Citing a senior budget official, the Post reports the Trump administration will recommend a 1.9 percent raise for federal workers that would be scheduled to take effect in January.

“It is in line with what usually federal employees would have seen as their raise,” said Eric White of Federal News Radio, WTOP’s sister station.

The potential raise was not included in the Trump administration’s proposed budget that was released last week. However, the newspaper reports federal agencies have been told by the White House to build the raise into their spending plans for the fiscal year that starts in October.

Major federal employee unions, such as the American Federation of Government Employees, have been critical of the 1.9 percent figure. They said it should be larger, considering the billions in cuts to federal worker pay and benefits that have occurred since 2010.



  1. Got my vote - AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Trump should try to create a system for merit based raises, vs longevity. So many government workers are just biding their time. The stories are abundant of non-essential government employees, waste and inefficiencies.

  3. I'll be willing to bet the BOE and Teachers will get one as well!

    1. They need one called combat pay

    2. Do you have a masters degree? If not shut it. They get 50k for having a masters. Grow up. They deal with things you could never imagine

  4. A large contingent of the federal workers are NOT even qualified to do the jobs they are in! We could cut 30% of the workers simply by interviewing them (to non-government employment standards) and getting rid of the ones that would not be hire-able on the open market....they're not (and can't be expected to) doing what is expected of them in their current position!

    After cutting the fat (literally, in some cases), you can give merit raises to those that actually perform productive work!

  5. 4:02 - all that a masters degree proves is they can sit through class and pass tests - no indicator whatsoever of qualifications and or capabilities. We have PhD's here that are idiots relative to the job description for their positions - they are only there through OPM good-ole-boy promotion and transfer systems!

    1. Conservative teacherMarch 22, 2017 at 6:17 PM

      Is that why there's a massive teacher shortage? Because the work is so easy? Why don't you teach if it's all sunshine and rainbows? I mean, you're obviously jealous so belly on up to the bar! Put your money where your mouth is

  6. spot on 441pm. BINGO!

    1. Conservative teacherMarch 22, 2017 at 6:18 PM

      Who taught you to read?

    2. Conservative teacherMarch 22, 2017 at 6:19 PM

      I'm interested to hear joes take. Are teachers overpaid given the bomb threats fights disruptions? I mean if they are overpaid, surely the applications would be flying to wcboe! Or are these just the usual complainers

  7. The usual idiots who blame teachers for everything

  8. Considering public and private sector jobs for time off for summer, professional, holiday, and their own personal and vacation days, yes they are definitely over paid. They need to get rid of the under performing tenured teachers. Average salaries in this county don't even compare with what BOE members make! They are to serve us, but it's more like we are here to serve them. It's no wonder our property taxes are so high!

  9. Move if you don't like the schools, teachers, BOE or taxes. Plenty of other counties and 49 other states.

  10. 10:29, Why should I? You are the problem and the liberal policys of this state.


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