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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Maryland House passes bill to ban discrimination against voucher holders

The House of Delegates passed a bill Monday night that would prevent landlords from refusing to lease a home to a person merely because they have a government voucher to help pay their rent.

The bill is designed to give holders of Housing Choice Vouchers — often referred to as theSection 8 program — and other recipients of government aid more choice about where they live and help them move to more affluent areas.

It passed on a 88-53 vote.

The issue is especially controversial in Baltimore County, where voucher users are concentrated in both eastern and western neighborhoods and where some residents blame government subsidized housing for pockets of high crime.

"We have a lot of areas with a lot of section 8 that have become areas of high crime that we struggle to fix," said Del. Robin L. Grammer, a Republican who represents eastern Baltimore County.



  1. You will accept the uncontrollable crime in your neighborhoods and cities. You must accept it as Md becomes a sanctuary for criminals and they will come from far and wide, criminals running for safety to md. The criminal children will mingle with your children in schools and malls. Your safe clean neighborhoods will become their neighborhoods. YOU WILL ACCEPT, because the lead criminals controlling MD have said so and made it law, despite your disapproval and despite your safety and despite all you have worked for and despite all the taxes you have paid. You are not citizens, you are slaves, do as your told.

  2. Maryland being run by democrats is going to hell...they took out housing projects only to create neighborhoods of projects..what's the point of having a home when your neighborhood becomes garbage.

  3. lol good luck trying to force me into destroying my own property with Thugs.

  4. I'm getting to hate democrats more every day,how could anyone possibly be that stupid?

  5. 7:20 - some part of it is stupidity...another part is self-service...those politicians pander for votes from those that want to continue receiving handouts - so they can live for free! The stupid part is that not enough of the smart people are voting against the continuation of this practice!

  6. John Cannon loves Vouchers.

  7. They're looking out for their votes. Most have no direct experience with crime or living where crime rules. Each should spend a year living in a Section 8 apartment house to get a better perspective.

  8. They just want to export crime to other areas because they can't 'fix' the problem. I can only hope these 'immigrants' flood into the affluent counties surrounding DC and bring a little of the multiculturalism they so desperately want the rest of us to endure.

  9. It's NOt Section 8 vouchers that are the problem.
    Its the people who use them for years, have 5 kids, tear the place up, and generally don't give a crap about the yard (someone else always cuts the grass), or the trash (I ain't be worried 'bout no trash).
    A landlord's dream.
    I'd like to have ONE MONTH of free housing, medical care, day care, transportation, free electric and heat, free water, and 30 days to lay my fat ace around watching Judge Judy and screaming at the kids to shut the F up.
    THEY get DECADES of it and STILL don't have sh** to show for it, except more demands for more free stuff.
    Roaches have more to show for their existence and have more reasons to live, too.

    1. So then its the owners of the section 8 voucher ? DUHHHHHH

  10. We need section8 vouchers around here,know one can afford the rent with all the slumlords charging outrageous rent prices because of the college kids, go to eastern shore criaglist look at some of the places that are for rent in some not so good neighborhoods they want 1200$ for something that's in the hood

    1. W R O N G.
      Get off sec 8

  11. "We have a lot of areas with a lot of section 8 that have become areas of high crime that we struggle to fix," said Del. Robin L. Grammer, a Republican who represents eastern Baltimore County.

    So the solution is to move the cause of the problem to areas that don't have high crime!? Spread the crime around so its diluted and not all concentrated in the areas that create the high crime? They are just moving the problem, not fixing it. Again, Maryland politicians are a threat to our health and safety. And this is just another example, along with gun control, and sanctuary status.


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