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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Democrats in House of Delegates Vote to Force Landlords to Accept Section 8

House Bill 172, "The Home Act of 2017" also known as the "Forced Section 8 Bill" passed the Maryland House of Delegates 88-53 with 3 Democrats joining all 50 Republicans to vote against the bill. This bill will force many landlords to accept Section 8 vouchers or risk being arrested.

The bill would force an owner of an apartment complex to rent 15% of all apartment units to people receiving housing vouchers and would actively look to place people with Section 8 vouchers in zip codes where there currently aren't many people using vouchers.

The bill now heads to the Senate where it has been cross-filed as SB 314. Democratic Senators Bobby Zirkin and Jim Brochin are likely to be the deciding votes in the Senate on this bill.

Click Here to Contact Senator Brochin

Click Here to Contact Senator Zirkin


  1. Socialism is a MENTAL disorder.

  2. Democrats protecting their voting core.

  3. No, they are just adding to their voting core by placing brain mush where there is not enough already to get elected.

  4. Section 8 doesn't help people move off of welfare.

  5. Government is out of control! What a shock!!

  6. thought we got rid of Obama, guess not in Maryland. this state is doubling down

  7. Want to know how middle class neighborhoods and nice apartment complexes turn into ghetto dumps, with drug dealing, violence, and theft a daily occurrence?
    Bring in a few single mothers with 3-4 kids. Have some loud parties where fights break out when they are asked to chill out. Let them throw trash on the ground where they stand until the parking lot and curbside look like a trash truck blew up. Have everyone's car broken into to steal $3 in change from the console. Keep all valuables in the house and never leave your bike outside, even for 5 minutes. Put some sheets up in your front windows because they look so much better than real curtains.
    EVERYWHERE there are welfare families, there is trash, violence and decay. They have no ownership in anything (except part of YOUR paycheck), no concern for anyone who works or provides for them, and no respect for anything except who can fight the best.
    Tell me again. What is the reasoning behind FORCING people to give people on welfare the very same things that hardworking men and women have??
    Imagine paying $1700 for a very nice apartment, only to find Shanika just moved in next door with her 4 kids and junk furniture AND gets to pay only $118 a month because her whole family has lived on welfare for the last 45 years.
    Me and most of the current tenants are looking for a new place to live, believe it. The decay begins.

  8. More government over-reach and regulation. It should be up to the landlord if they want more government involvement in their business. If it's like every other thing the government injects it's incompetent self in the smaller landlords will get buried.

  9. They want their section 8 constituents to have access to better goods that they steal from their neighbors. Poor neighbors, like themselves, don't have the good stuff.

  10. Another way of placing thugs in nice areas to rob white people just tell the voucher holder i found a better renter.

  11. John Cannon already accepts thug vouchers.

  12. They destabilize once-decent neighborhoods and sadly a lot of landlords love Section 8 because they can pad the rent a little more.Smart landlords avoid the vouchers like a plague because they know the cost and mess that they will deal with....decent tenants all leaving,building structure trashed,etc.

  13. I lived in a nice apartment complex here is Salisbury. It was very quiet and clean until new management opened up to section 8. Loud parties, trash everywhere, dog crap on the sidewalks. I moved out and didn't look back!

  14. Cant even make your own decisions about property you own. Time to sell any rental properties and invest in something else. Thus happened in crisfield. Section 8 people moved in after otheds spent lots of money on tbeir units.

  15. Imclain, You forgot the roaches that come along with their trashbag luggage.

  16. Imclain, I may not always agree with everyone of your comments, but you are spot on regarding this topic. Well said sir!

  17. This could be make or break for Mathais' future in Annapolis.


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