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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Does Governor Hogan Have What It Takes To Successfully Veto Any Legislation?

Governor Larry Hogan issued the following statement in response to the Maryland House of Delegates voting for final approval of House Bill 1362, which will directly interfere with the ability of state and local law enforcement to work and cooperate with federal law enforcement authorities:

“The Maryland House of Delegates tonight passed an outrageously irresponsible bill that will make Maryland a sanctuary state and endanger our citizens. This legislation would interfere with our state and local law enforcement's ability to cooperate with federal law enforcement authorities. I will veto this dangerously misguided legislation the moment that it reaches my desk.”

Publishers Notes: OK tough guy, let's see if your veto will be overturned AGAIN and if these are just WORDS. Again, is this how EVERYTHING we don't like or agree with will get passed any more. I mean, what's the point of having a Governor IF he/she has no power to actually represent "we The People". 


  1. Governor if you can't veto this horrible bill then you should grant all maryland citizens the right to carry.

    1. Exactly wht needs to happend cant go out now without being protected so hows this going to help sanctuary state they dont belong here so kick there ass out period

  2. LOL. What part of BLUE state don't you understand? MD will never be a shall issue state.

  3. he people voted for Governor Hogan - but they also voted for the turds that continue to represent only some of the people.....

    We need to stop electing and reelecting the dumbocrats that represent themselves and special interests!

  4. They are all corrupt. They only care about getting the money from the working class and votes from illegals to keep them in power. We the People of MD have no representation. We MUST petition the Feds for assistance with the corruption, the gerrymandering is the tip of the iceberg.

  5. Punish them mr trump. Federal hiring freeze, 2% federal reduction of work force and pull funding from md.

  6. Looks like the citizens may have to call ice direct.

  7. 508am, Md is majority red, threw gerrymandering and corruption a cpl counties control the state. Hogan continually speaks of the corruption yet fails to do anything about it...liquor brds are just smoke n mirrors really. He only points things out enough to cover his behind.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Governor if you can't veto this horrible bill then you should grant all maryland citizens the right to carry.

    March 21, 2017 at 4:39 AM

    If he can't veto that horrible bill then what makes you think that he has the power to "grant all maryland citizens the right to carry??"

    Some people make some dumb comments.

  9. This is when the Federal Government should have stepped in and arrested the General Assembly before they voted on this horrible bill. Just like Lincoln did before Maryland voted to secede from the Union.

  10. Anonymous said...
    LOL. What part of BLUE state don't you understand? MD will never be a shall issue state.

    March 21, 2017 at 5:08 AM

    And you are sitting there laughing at it you stupid Liberal Turd Burglar.

  11. When the federal money stops {and it should have never been leverage to start with}, these same corrupt greedy law makers will make laws to come after ALL of your wallets...no longer just 60% of it...they will want ALL OF IT to carry out their missions.

  12. Do we know who voted for this stupid bill?

    Don't tell me Carl voted for this one.

  13. Anonymous said...
    They are all corrupt. They only care about getting the money from the working class and votes from illegals to keep them in power. We the People of MD have no representation. We MUST petition the Feds for assistance with the corruption, the gerrymandering is the tip of the iceberg.

    March 21, 2017 at 6:28 AM

    I agree with you about thinking they will be getting more Democrat votes, but they are too stupid to see that the Muslims are rapidly outnumbering us and they will be taking our cities away from us and then our state. The sad thing is the stupid Democrats already let a Muslim stay in office as President for 8 years.

  14. How did the Senate vote on this bill?

  15. Note to publisher: your comment is the very reason the governor has no backing. What is wrong with you? You should be supportive and give him the support of the people so that he can fight against people like Mike Miller and Mike Busch!!

  16. Jill, my question is legitimate. There are tens of thousands of people now questioning, can our Governor truly protect our interests OVER our Delegates and Senators.

    IF you have an issue with Hogans lack of power as a Governor, one would think the majority would cast votes towards more conservative minded representatives from this point forward.

    I also think Maryland residents are tired of these ridiculous bills not only being presented but also ramrodded down our throats like Gay Marriage and so forth.

    MY support is to NOT have a sanctuary state. Today I am truly upset as a Maryland resident who will be going in to renew my Maryland residency on my Maryland drivers license. I also own a home in Delaware but over the past 4 years I reside in Maryland. That may change in the very near future.

    What has happened to our Country, seriously. We The People have lost control but it is our fault because of who we have voted for.

  17. April 1, 2017: A day without Maryland. Don't work or spend money.

  18. Note to Jill Hearne;

    Hogan chose to go off in a corner and write his own bill instead of working with the Democrats on their bill KNOWING that only ONE of the two bills would be passed by he Democrat Majority.

    Now, he thinks he can look like he's trying to help, but is being bulldozed by the other side.

    He may as well just handed them the free pass and told us citizens he's joined the Democratic Party.

  19. 6:40 #1 I am laughing my a$$ off because I sold most of all my real estate holdings in MD before the crash in 2008. Purchased low and sold high. You have not a clue about me or my political affiliation but I am certain that your IQ is less that 2 times the number of teeth you still have.

  20. Joe might be getting smarter. Some of us have changed our legal residency to more favorable states and still enjoy the ability to enjoy our property in MD up to 180 days per year without funding the MD income tax collector. Saves me over $10k per year.

  21. 7:12 Please share what state your are in now.

  22. Joe I understand you are against this bill but you seem to somehow think our govenor is atleast partially to blame if they overturn his veto. He's up against a totally corrupt bunch of democrats that control everything and it isn't his fault as far as I can see. Rather than criticize why don't you suggest a viable solution then again this may be a self solving problem as this actually may be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

  23. Larry is a clown, and no different that any other politician who tells you what you want to hear to get your vote and whamno- nothing changes... What is more sad is not that these people do this, but the fact that you the citizens let it happen, by being so dumb and for not using your brain...

  24. 8:15, Here's where I blame Governor Hogan.


    Where did everyone see Hogan out there pleading with the public to contact their legislators.

    Instead, it was only Salisbury News that WARNED everyone the night before and the early morning of the actual date of the vote. Everyone else FOLLOWED our lead AFTER it was already too late.

    So, what do I see as a former businessman, his lack of protest tells me he wanted it to go through and then come back pounding his chest with a VETO. Well, how's that working for you Governor!

  25. Hogan does not have a very good argument when it comes to any debate , he needs this to be in command. It's too late now , our taxes will take a tremendous hike because the feds will not support any of this . The feds will take away much of the funds for all the needed repairs. Maryland has fallen into the Trump trap to lower the federal budget , bravo to Trump. I'm movin to another state that has some good leaders .


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