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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Maryland Delegate Carl Anderton Voted NO On Sanctuary State Bill & More

Early this morning I asked Delegate Anderton how he voted on the Sanctuary State. His reply, "Against it! All of us voted no, except for Sharee. She voted for the bill."

Anderton, Carozza, Otto, Adams & Mautz voted against the bill while Sharee Sample Hughes voted for it.


  1. Who is this Sharee person and does she have a special interest in this matter?

    1. She's a democrat and will be reelected again in 2018 minority majority district on the shore

    2. do your homework.

    3. I did my homework. It's called ask a question on this blog and someone gave an answer. So shut your a$$ up 8:18. You're a troll.

  2. No different than the general election. The republican counties with low population are out numbered by the democratic counties with large voter numbers.

  3. Well then this "Sharee" garbage needs to put her money where her mouth is and support an illegal or 2 or 3. But she won't because she is a typical no good POS democrat. Real good at only 2 things LYING and letting hard working tax payers pick up the tab for the criminals and other drains on society. What a rank POS she is. But that's okay. God already has her place in hell picked out for her whrere she will burn for eternity as she deserves. The Bible says to not support and enable criminals and that is what she is doing. I bet she another who lies and says she is a christian.

    1. careful there - she is black - I can no longer say minority - because they ain't

  4. 7:17 - I think he's referring to Sheree Sample-Hughes...formerly of the Wicomico County Council. Liberal then and hasn't changed her ways...we're just glad she's no longer here in Wicomico County!

  5. Sharee has the IQ of an imbeciles. Every time it opens it's mouth you can tell it's IQ is somewhere in the idiot/imbecile/moron range. Can barely string a coherent sentence together. With that in mid this is why it can't figure out it is only hurting blacks for voting for such an asinine bill. What a good little democrat tool it is. Working to keep the blacks in chains is all those like it ever does. Liberal immigration policies and bills like this only do two things-keep wages down for low skilled workers and get democrats reelected. Blacks for the most part too can't figure it out. They sit their like it's some great mystery why so many end up in poverty and turn to crime. But they keep on voting the brainless in like Sharee so they are getting exactly what they deserve and that is all the poverty and crime. So until they wise up and start voting smart they can just sit down and shut up and suck up all their woes that they help to create.

  6. Of course Hughes would vote in favor of this. She can not strike anyone as the brightest bulb in the pack. She hasn't the ability to forward think the ramifications of such a nonsense idea. Probably one of those products who "graduated" from UMES where they will ram anyone through just so they can get those graduation #'s up.

  7. 7:21 do you have a moment to talk about our lord democracy?

  8. look who her voters are ..THUGS.

  9. Sharee represents the West Side...let that be a sancturary site then...hope her house is big enough to take all of them in!

  10. Well since Sharee voted for this sanctuary state bill, and if it passes, I hope ever last illegal camps out on her front door step and all around her house since she is so willing to have them here.

  11. Recall her make a "Sample" ou of her.

  12. Hoe did Kathy Szeliga vote?

  13. The Republican votes in the State House are meaningless in Maryland. Its the Democrats that run the show.

  14. I'm told the House won't have enough votes to override the Governor's veto, but, who knows if that is true or not. Time will tell.

  15. Blogger JoeAlbero said...
    I'm told the House won't have enough votes to override the Governor's veto, but, who knows if that is true or not. Time will tell.

    March 21, 2017 at 9:28 AM

    That would be great news if the override doesn't work. Thank you for keeping us informed. Your site is our only local news source as local fake news sources haven't even discovered the story yet.

  16. I live on the west side and I am not a thug. She didn't represent me with this vote.

  17. It's so bad in this state that Maxine Bentzel has moved on from WBOC to another market in Florida!

  18. 0 Republicans voted in favor of this and 5 Democrats voted against it to. Sample Hughes was the only one that voted for it in our area.

  19. She has zero thinking skills much less forward ones. As soon as she opens her mouth anyone can tell she is quite the ignoramus. Yes a product of the dumbed down US public "education" system. If she had an ounce of intelligence (and integrity) she would be ashamed. I guess you can say it's not her fault as those like her weren't raised by honest people who valued that and integrity so the cycle continues and those like her are the result. Shame on these people. Shame Shame.

  20. Sharee, how about letting them live at YOUR house...

  21. Why the hell would she vote yes on this? What an idiot. I guess it's a racial issue with this fool.

  22. She voted yes baymann because she is a useless POS. She has zero morals or decency. She is a piece of trash. We are talking criminals here but because of a lack of a decent upbringing the POS voted yes. She could care less that these people are raping and murdering Americans. We have enough criminals already born here-we don't need anymore. All decent people know this but again she is a POS who could care less about other's safety. She is an evil wicked useless waste of oxygen.

  23. Someone asked if Sheree Sample-Hughes is part of a special interest group. She worked at shoreup, a community action agency in Salisbury, which also services other counties in Maryland. She was given the district 37A scepter from retired Delegate Rudolph Cane, her predecessor who also worked there. Shoreup backs her, because those living in poverty, including illegal aliens, define shoreup's existence. Many of the services, including the head start program will enroll illegals at the tax payer's expense (no questions asked). If Sheree was actually helping the people of district 37A, then the social services dependency of the community would actually decline, and put the special interest groups out of business. It is awful how we have democrats in this country who will actually sell their soul for the sake of the vote, all to have have control over people, and using the poor for their own political and financial gain. They paint the public humanitarian picture that they are helping people when in fact, they are actually oppressing them. James 1:14-15 But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. 15 Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death. Wake up people!


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