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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Protesters wave Confederate flag next to NCAA arena

GREENVILLE, S.C. —The NCAA released a statement Sunday after members of the South Carolina Secessionist Party flew a large Confederate battle flag next to the Bon Secours Wellness Arena in Greenville.

The display happened as the NCAA held the final day of the first and second rounds of the men's college basketball tournament in the arena.

The flag was mounted on a pole that was several feet long, anchored in the bed of a pick-up truck that was parked on the top level of a city garage next to the arena.

"I felt like someone had punched me in the gut," said Amy Stromberg, a fan visiting from out of town. "It's very disturbing what that flag represents and I thought in South Carolina we were past that now."

The flag could be seen from miles away.



  1. Big deal ! that flag was fine until the whining race baiter Jesse jackson starting crying about it 15 years ago. It had very little to do with slavery -only states rights!

    1. There were more Black slave owners than whites down south FACT

  2. That is BS 11:33.

  3. 11:46:

    It's not BS. The actual history of the flag IS all about states rights, and the secessionist movement by the Southern states. It is only revisionist history that had it recreated as a slavery symbol. More slaves were owned by Northerners at the start of the Civil War, than in the South. Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation (Jan. 1863) towards the end of the war, only freed the slaves held in the South, and did nothing to address the slaves held by Northerners. The confederate flag was NEVER about slavery. Slavery was legal and practiced in both the North and South, prior to the war, and for the 1st three years that it was fought. The civil war was started and fought without the issue of slavery as a reason. Is was a political and strategic issue that Lincoln brought up with the Proclamation (executive order) in 1863, but it only applied to the "rebellious" states and not the Northern states.

    1. 1000% Correct but they want to leave that page out of HISTORY.

  4. Anonymous said...
    That is BS 11:33.

    March 20, 2017 at 11:46 AM

    Snow Flake Alert!!

  5. Black panthers have there flag where is the snowflake outrage ?

  6. That flag stands for rebellion against tyranny

  7. 12:53 so that makes it okay?

  8. tough it out snowflakes! we did for 8 years!

  9. Anonymous said...
    12:53 so that makes it okay?

    March 20, 2017 at 1:51 PM

    Another Snow Flake Alert!!

  10. That is only becasue people care about what they hear in the media, and not what is fact, or what history was true...

  11. Fly it high and proud

    South Carolina politicians suck

  12. We can agree that there was slavery, correct? It may have been lawful but is that morally right? And the "states rights" you speak of....those rights included the right to do what??

  13. March 20, 2017 at 3:01 PM:

    It was no more "moral" in the North, than it was in the South. Lincoln saw to it, and specifically worded the Proclamation to only apply to the "rebellious" Southern states, while letting slavery remain legal in the Northern states.

    I'm not your professor, but there is plenty of actual history out there for you to look up the answers that you seek. States rights are included in our founding documents. Do some research and educate yourself.

  14. This whole new era of white heritage is not acceptable but all black heritage is will definitely cause problems in the near future. To all you liberal butt kissing whites out there you better pray you never get locked up in the near future. You WILL be forced to side with people of your color whether you like it or not

  15. 3:01pm What does any of that have to do with the flag. Is the flag at fault? Did the flag own slaves? No you pathetic moron it is a symbol of the State. If the state stands for slavery than changing the flag does nothing to address the actions of the state. In this case slaves have not been owned by anyone in 140+ years. Every white person in this country can agree that slavery was wrong. So whats your point? Do you even know? Or are you just vomiting nonsense you heard because, virtue signaling is "where its at". I am sure you think you are intelligent as well. Probably even smarter than most people. You might even correct some of my grammar and spelling.

    Get bent Whimpering snowflakes.

  16. Anonymous said...
    We can agree that there was slavery, correct? It may have been lawful but is that morally right? And the "states rights" you speak of....those rights included the right to do what??

    March 20, 2017 at 3:01 PM

    A brainwashed Snow Flake that doesn't understand history or heritage.

  17. RINO's and Democrats brought that flag down and I will never back down.

    As a matter of fact when the Civil War starts again I hope we use that flag!

  18. Funny how the Confederates/Southerners get called Traitors and then most of them cower down because they don't have a brain to come back with an honest response.

    So the Southerners were Traitors because they wanted to leave a tyrannical government? What do you call the Americans that wanted to leave a tyrannical government in 1776?

  19. So no one who responded to my questions at 3:01 gave a legitimate response to "all these rights" the states wanted to uphold. In fact, 3:56 & 4:03. "The North's" impact may have been much more detrimental through the creation of Worker Unions that effectively proctected white laborers and left "newly" freed slaves with no source of income or housing.

  20. I can't fly a confederate flag but I'm forced to allow my taxes to pay for a Harriet Tubman memorial?? I love it when all you white hating Caucasian liberals get caught up in a bad situation with all your thug AA buddies and they turn on you nearly beating you half to death laughing with their homeboys the whole time. To any of you that have the balls here in wicomico county there are Confederate flags being flown come on up and try to take them down, when the dogs are done we'll "help" you off the property

    1. How do you feel about your taxes going towards the massive renovation of the Washington monument? Both are part of the National Park System.

  21. O
    God forbid some eyeball ever sees a Confederate flag, one that was designed late in the war to guard from friendly fire because the original flags resembled our USA flag.

    I saw a millennial the other day, and it didn't even affect me! Who'd have thought?

  22. I'm offended by the rainbow flag that represents LGTBQXYZ.... because it represents an attack on my morals and way of life. But I don't force the collegiate sports organization to move a tournament because of it.
    Put your big boy pants on.

    1. God forbid the LGTBQXYZ group ever goes out of their way to hunt, capture you, separate you from your family and terrorize you generationally. Lol

  23. To teach that the Civil War was fought over slavery is pure political indoctrination. Maryland Delaware and Missouri fought for the North while slavery was permitted in these states.
    The Civil War was fought because the South was frustrated that they were not receiving their fair proportion of Federal funds. Slavery was an afterthought as a reason to make it seem moral.
    Lincoln's post war intention to deal with the post war freed slaves was to return all back to Africa. This idea died with his assignation.

  24. History is often distorted and the primary cause for the Civil War is no different. However, I will put my faith and confidence in the accuracy and statement of President Lincoln.

    In his Second Inaugural Address, third paragraph, first, second and sentences, Lincoln said, "One-eighth of the whole population were colored slaves, not distributed generally over the Union, but localized in the Southern part of it. These slaves constituted a peculiar and powerful interest. All knew that this interest was, somehow, the cause of the war".

    MSgt Don Coffin, USMC(Ret)


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